GET /api/v1/tournaments/?format=api&ordering=-exclude_provisional&page=5519
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            "description": "Chris please join, we can play online.\nWe will start when we have lunch.\nAlso, I changed it to corrospondents so we can take breaks, and to help with time differences.",
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            "description": "Akıl ile oynayın kazanmak için puan alın.",
            "schedule": null,
            "title": null,
            "tournament_type": "mcmahon",
            "handicap": 0,
            "rules": "japanese",
            "time_per_move": 172800,
            "time_control_parameters": {
                "system": "simple",
                "time_control": "simple",
                "speed": "correspondence",
                "pause_on_weekends": true,
                "per_move": 172800
            "is_open": true,
            "exclude_provisional": false,
            "group": {
                "id": 8907,
                "name": "Zekiler",
                "summary": "Kazanmak ve akıl için oynayın.\n",
                "require_invitation": false,
                "is_public": true,
                "admin_only_tournaments": false,
                "hide_details": true,
                "member_count": 0,
                "icon": ""
            "auto_start_on_max": false,
            "time_start": "2021-05-02T19:00:00Z",
            "players_start": 4,
            "first_pairing_method": "slide",
            "subsequent_pairing_method": "slaughter",
            "min_ranking": 5,
            "max_ranking": 38,
            "analysis_enabled": true,
            "exclusivity": "open",
            "started": "2021-05-02T19:00:17.564418Z",
            "ended": "2021-07-27T12:46:39.584029Z",
            "start_waiting": "2021-05-02T19:00:17.379326Z",
            "board_size": 19,
            "active_round": null,
            "icon": "",
            "player_count": 9