Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
"count": 54504,
"next": "",
"previous": "",
"results": [
"id": 90096,
"name": "๐ แแแแฎแฃแแแแขแ แจแแกแแ แฉแแแ แขแฃแ แแแ แ \"แฏแแแแแก แแแกแแ\"",
"director": {
"id": 21742,
"username": "แแแแ",
"country": "ge",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
"version": 5,
"overall": {
"rating": 2150.7016919066323,
"deviation": 101.81172292649478,
"volatility": 0.06014588488057376
"ranking": 32.644999669122264,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "2022 แฌแแแก แแแ แแแแ แแแแกแแแแ - แแแฅแแกแแแข แแแแกแแแแ, แกแแฅแแ แแแแแแก แแแก แคแแแแ แแชแ แแแแแแ แกแแแ แชแแจแ, แงแแแแแแฆแแฃแ แแ แกแแฆแแแแก 10 แกแแแแแ แแแแแ แแแแก แจแแกแแ แฉแแ แขแฃแ แแแ แก - แ แแแแแก แจแแแแแแแแช แแแแแแแแแฅแขแแแแ 3 แแแแ. แแแแแฌแแแแแแ แฃแคแแกแแ แแ แงแแแแแก แจแแฃแซแแแ, แแแแช แแชแแก แแแก แแแแแจแแก แฌแแกแแแ.\n\nแกแฃแ แแแแแแ แแแแ 15 แแแแแแ - แขแฃแ แแแ แ. แแแแแฌแแแแแแก แแแแแแฃแแ แขแฃแ แแแ แแก แจแแแแแ แแแแแแญแแแแ แฅแฃแแแแ. ( แแแ แแแแ แแแแแแ 4 แฅแฃแแ. แแแแ แ แแแแแแ 3 แฅแฃแแ, แแแกแแแ แแแแแแ 2 แฅแฃแแ , แฎแแแ แแแแแฌแแแแแแ 1 แฅแฃแแ) 15 แแแแกแก แจแแฏแแแแแแ แฅแฃแแแแ, แ แแแแแก แแแฎแแแแแแแช แแแแแแแแแฅแขแแแแ แแแแแแ.(แแแแช แแแข แขแฃแ แแแ แจแ แแแแฆแแแก แแแแแฌแแแแแแแก แจแแกแแแแแแกแแ แแแแแแ แแแแแจแ แแแฎแแแแ แแก แแแขแ แจแแแกแ แแฅแแแแ.)\n\n๐ 21-22 แแแแกแแก, แแแแแกแฃแคแแ แฃแแแแแ แกแแขแแขแจแ, แกแแฅแแ แแแแแแก แแแก แคแแแแ แแชแแ, แแแแแแแแก แกแแแ แแแจแแ แแกแ แแแแแแแแ แแแแก แกแแแแแแขแ (JICA) โแฏแแแแแกโ แแฎแแ แแแญแแ แแ, แกแแแแแ แแแแแจแ แฉแแแขแแ แแแก แขแฃแ แแแ แก โแฏแแแแแก แแแกแแโ.\n\n๐ฅ๐ แแแแแ แฏแแแแฃแแแแ แแแฏแแแแแแแแแแแ แแแแแแแแ โแฏแแแแแกโ (JICA ) แแแแ แแแฌแแกแแแฃแแ แกแแแแแฃแ แ แคแแกแแแแ แแ แแแแแแ. โค\n\nโ๏ธ โ๏ธ แกแแแแแ แแแแแจแ แแแแแ แฏแแแแฃแแแแแกแ แแ แแ แแแแแ แแแแกแแแแแก แแกแแแ แแ แแแแแ แแแแฌแแกแ แฉแแแก แแแงแแแ แฃแแแ แแแฃแแแ. แแแ แแแแ แแแแแกแแแแก - 150, 120 แแ 100 แแแ แแแแ แกแแ แแแคแแแแขแแแ, แแแแ แ แแแแแกแแแแก - 80, 70 แแ 60 แแแ แแแแ, แฎแแแ แแแกแแแ แแแแแกแแแแก 50, 40 แแ 30 แแแ แแแแ แกแแ แแแคแแแแขแแแ.\n\nโ๏ธ โ๏ธ แแกแแแ แแ แแแแแ แแแแฌแแกแ แแ แแแฅแขแแ Go Magic. แแแ แแแ แแแแแจแ แแแ แแแแ, แแแแ แ แแ แแแกแแแ แแแแแแแกแแแแแกแแแแก 70 แแแแแ แแแแ, แฎแแแ แแแแแแแชแแ แกแแฃแแแแแกแ แจแแแแแแก แแฅแแแ แแแแแกแแแแก 100 แแแแแ แแแแ แกแแ แแแคแแแแขแ.\n\nโ๏ธ โ๏ธ แแแแแ แฏแแแแแก แจแแแกแ แงแแแแแก แแฅแแก, แ แแแแแ แแแแแแ แกแแซแแแแ แแก แแแฎแแแแแ แแฅแแแแ แแแแแแแแแฅแขแแแฃแแ. (Y)\n\nแแแกแฃแ แแแแ แฌแแ แแแขแแแแก!",
"schedule": null,
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"initial_time": 180,
"max_time": 180
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"group": {
"id": 692,
"name": "Georgia - แกแแฅแแ แแแแแแก แแแก แคแแแแ แแชแแ",
"summary": "แกแแฅแแ แแแแแแก แแแก แคแแแแ แแชแแแก แฏแแฃแคแจแ แแแฌแแแ แแแแแแ แจแแฃแซแแแแ แแฎแแแแ แกแแฅแแ แแแแแแก แแแฅแแแแฅแแแแก, แ แแแแแแแช แแแ แแแแกแขแ แแ แแแฃแแแแ แแ แแแ แแ แกแแแขแแ แแ แแ แแคแแแจแ แแแแแแแแฃแแ แแฅแแ แกแแฎแแแ แแ แแแแ แ.",
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"name": "ๆขๆฅๅณฏ ๅณ็นๅ",
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"name": "Zodiac : Sagittarius Tournament",
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"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "One tournament for each astrological signs of the Zodiac.\n\n<h1>Be carreful about the time settings.</h1> Use the conditional move feature to speed up the game.\n\nNo pausing and no vacations; anyone who has vacation mode switched on, or pauses a game, will be disqualified.\n\nAlso, please do not use AI.\n\nTitle holder :\n\nLion :<br>\nVirgo : AA8<br>\nLibra :<br>\nScorpio :<br>\nSagittarius :<br>",
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"time_per_move": 23520,
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"time_control": "canadian",
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"stones_per_period": 28
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"id": 508,
"name": "Fast Correspondence",
"summary": "Tournaments for people who like to play quick correspondence games.",
"require_invitation": false,
"is_public": true,
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"started": "2022-11-22T00:00:40.008609Z",
"ended": "2023-04-21T11:08:41.414114Z",
"start_waiting": "2022-11-22T00:00:39.815453Z",
"board_size": 19,
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"icon": "",
"player_count": 9
"id": 45329,
"name": "MGG 13x13 Olympics DDK Spring 2019",
"director": {
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"username": "MoonMonkey",
"country": "ru",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
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"deviation": 62.180969905963046,
"volatility": 0.06028853857034597
"ranking": 16.986647782952765,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "Olympic tournament of Monkey Go Games",
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"title": null,
"tournament_type": "double_elimination",
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"time_control": "fischer",
"initial_time": 259200,
"max_time": 432000,
"time_increment": 86400,
"speed": "correspondence"
"is_open": true,
"exclude_provisional": true,
"group": {
"id": 2702,
"name": "Masters And Champions",
"summary": "Your journey of knowledge from beginner to master will be fascinating with us!",
"require_invitation": true,
"is_public": false,
"admin_only_tournaments": false,
"hide_details": true,
"member_count": 36,
"icon": ""
"auto_start_on_max": false,
"time_start": "2019-03-03T23:00:00Z",
"players_start": 8,
"first_pairing_method": "slaughter",
"subsequent_pairing_method": "slaughter",
"min_ranking": 5,
"max_ranking": 20,
"analysis_enabled": true,
"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2019-03-06T16:09:16.184160Z",
"ended": "2020-01-23T18:38:54.002881Z",
"start_waiting": "2019-03-06T16:09:15.583524Z",
"board_size": 13,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 8
"id": 104916,
"name": "1 -> ๆฅ่ๅฎ 2 -> ็ๅ็ทฏ",
"director": {
"id": 818416,
"username": "ๅณ็ขๅญธๅ",
"country": "un",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
"version": 5,
"overall": {
"rating": 1897.8172746570806,
"deviation": 70.6118695512248,
"volatility": 0.06041666819572323
"ranking": 29.74917232144055,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "1 -> ๆฅ่ๅฎ\n2 -> ็ๅ็ทฏ",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "swiss",
"handicap": 0,
"rules": "chinese",
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"time_control_parameters": {
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"speed": "live",
"pause_on_weekends": false,
"main_time": 1500,
"period_time": 20,
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"exclude_provisional": false,
"group": {
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"name": "ๅณ็ข B็ญ",
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"time_start": "2023-07-01T09:00:00Z",
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"max_ranking": 38,
"analysis_enabled": false,
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"started": "2023-07-01T08:28:44.057647Z",
"ended": "2023-07-01T09:15:17.971441Z",
"start_waiting": "2023-07-01T08:28:43.993337Z",
"board_size": 19,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 2
"id": 101101,
"name": "ะขััะฝะธั ะงะฐัะฐ ะธะณัะพะบะพะฒ ะฒ ะะพ 28.03.23 Fact corresp. B",
"director": {
"id": 803169,
"username": "Tg45",
"country": "ru",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
"version": 5,
"overall": {
"rating": 1521.6999982928317,
"deviation": 61.735242892883726,
"volatility": 0.06004537771352084
"ranking": 24.63588613482083,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "ะััััะฐั ะฟะตัะตะฟะธัะบะฐ. ะััะฟะฟะฐ ะ. ะะธัะฐะนัะบะธะต ะฟัะฐะฒะธะปะฐ.",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "double_elimination",
"handicap": 0,
"rules": "chinese",
"time_per_move": 4787,
"time_control_parameters": {
"system": "absolute",
"time_control": "absolute",
"speed": "correspondence",
"pause_on_weekends": true,
"total_time": 604800
"is_open": true,
"exclude_provisional": false,
"group": {
"id": 11497,
"name": "ะงะฐั ะธะณัะพะบะพะฒ ะฒ ะะพ (weiqi, baduk, igo)",
"summary": "ะั โ ะณััะฟะฟะฐ ะธะณัะพะบะพะฒ ะธะท ัะตะปะตะณัะฐะผะผ ัะฐัะฐ ยซะงะฐั ะดะปั ะธะณัะพะบะพะฒ ะฒ ะะพ (weiqi, baduk, igo)ยป. ะะดะตัั ะผั ะธะณัะฐะตะผ ะผะตะถะดั ัะพะฑะพะน ะธ ะพัะณะฐะฝะธะทะพะฒัะฒะฐะตะผ ัััะฝะธัั ะดะปั ะธะณัะพะบะพะฒ ะฒัะตั
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"time_start": "2023-03-28T16:00:00Z",
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"first_pairing_method": "slide",
"subsequent_pairing_method": "strength",
"min_ranking": 16,
"max_ranking": 24,
"analysis_enabled": true,
"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2023-03-28T16:00:07.655101Z",
"ended": "2023-06-20T10:47:16.302953Z",
"start_waiting": "2023-03-28T16:00:07.354983Z",
"board_size": 19,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 11
"id": 92393,
"name": "Melee 13x13 Tournament: 2022-07-15",
"director": {
"id": 741522,
"username": "wolfmeister",
"country": "_United_Federation_of_Planets",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
"version": 5,
"overall": {
"rating": 1209.6169056480942,
"deviation": 65.52079638031556,
"volatility": 0.06013235595814508
"ranking": 19.32239564406787,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "Play async or live via video. Your choice.",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "roundrobin",
"handicap": -1,
"rules": "japanese",
"time_per_move": 20160,
"time_control_parameters": {
"system": "absolute",
"time_control": "absolute",
"speed": "correspondence",
"pause_on_weekends": true,
"total_time": 1814400
"is_open": true,
"exclude_provisional": false,
"group": {
"id": 6518,
"name": "Madison Google Go",
"summary": "Nominally a social league for the MSN site, but friendly, casual players from other sites welcome. Make sure to join the Hangouts room, go-msn@ group for announcements! Please send an *INTERNAL* email to the organizers to join. We don't always notice OG",
"require_invitation": false,
"is_public": false,
"admin_only_tournaments": false,
"hide_details": true,
"member_count": 18,
"icon": ""
"auto_start_on_max": false,
"time_start": "2022-07-15T18:00:00Z",
"players_start": 4,
"first_pairing_method": "slide",
"subsequent_pairing_method": "slaughter",
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"max_ranking": 38,
"analysis_enabled": true,
"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2022-07-15T18:00:37.047446Z",
"ended": "2022-09-01T16:26:23.381468Z",
"start_waiting": "2022-07-15T18:00:36.819786Z",
"board_size": 13,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 6
"id": 14445,
"name": "FSTS Nines February 2016 Rush",
"director": {
"id": 135535,
"username": "DarkSpirit",
"country": "_CIS",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
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"deviation": 62.29275318546769,
"volatility": 0.05999468544710196
"ranking": 22.178561397357377,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "Massive 9x9 tournament.",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "s_mcmahon",
"handicap": 0,
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"time_per_move": 91200,
"time_control_parameters": {
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"initial_time": 432000,
"max_time": 432000,
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"exclude_provisional": true,
"group": {
"id": 353,
"name": "Four Seasons Tournament Series",
"summary": "ะกะตัะธั ัััะฝะธัะพะฒ \"ะงะตัััะต ะกะตะทะพะฝะฐ\"",
"require_invitation": true,
"is_public": false,
"admin_only_tournaments": false,
"hide_details": true,
"member_count": 627,
"icon": ""
"auto_start_on_max": false,
"time_start": "2016-02-27T13:30:00Z",
"players_start": 10,
"first_pairing_method": "strength",
"subsequent_pairing_method": "strength",
"min_ranking": 0,
"max_ranking": 36,
"analysis_enabled": true,
"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2016-02-27T13:30:29.566544Z",
"ended": "2017-01-19T01:32:46.039385Z",
"start_waiting": "2016-02-27T13:30:28.568579Z",
"board_size": 9,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 13
"id": 104915,
"name": "3 -> ็พ
ๆ ขๆ 4 -> ้ญๅจ็ฐ",
"director": {
"id": 818416,
"username": "ๅณ็ขๅญธๅ",
"country": "un",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
"version": 5,
"overall": {
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"ui_class": ""
"description": "3 -> ็พ
ๆ ขๆ\n4 -> ้ญๅจ็ฐ",
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"rules": "chinese",
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"summary": "",
"require_invitation": false,
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"member_count": 53,
"icon": ""
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"time_start": "2023-07-01T09:00:00Z",
"players_start": 2,
"first_pairing_method": "slide",
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"max_ranking": 38,
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"started": "2023-07-01T08:27:57.905834Z",
"ended": "2023-07-01T09:07:46.535858Z",
"start_waiting": "2023-07-01T08:27:57.863469Z",
"board_size": 19,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 2
"id": 86559,
"name": "5 -> ้ณ็ๆ 6 -> ่จฑๆทณๅ",
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"username": "ๅณ็ขๅญธๅ",
"country": "un",
"icon": "",
"ratings": {
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"overall": {
"rating": 1897.8172746570806,
"deviation": 70.6118695512248,
"volatility": 0.06041666819572323
"ranking": 29.74917232144055,
"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "5 -> ้ณ็ๆ \n6 -> ่จฑๆทณๅ",
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"handicap": 0,
"rules": "japanese",
"time_per_move": 26,
"time_control_parameters": {
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"time_control": "byoyomi",
"speed": "live",
"pause_on_weekends": false,
"main_time": 600,
"period_time": 20,
"periods": 2
"is_open": true,
"exclude_provisional": false,
"group": {
"id": 7530,
"name": "ๅณ็ข D็ญ",
"summary": "",
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"hide_details": true,
"member_count": 71,
"icon": ""
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"time_start": "2022-02-26T03:00:00Z",
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"first_pairing_method": "slide",
"subsequent_pairing_method": "slaughter",
"min_ranking": 5,
"max_ranking": 38,
"analysis_enabled": false,
"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2022-02-26T02:50:29.896472Z",
"ended": "2022-02-26T03:03:52.175863Z",
"start_waiting": "2022-02-26T02:50:29.831159Z",
"board_size": 13,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 2