GET /api/v1/tournaments/?format=api&ordering=-exclusivity&page=5477
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Vary: Accept

    "count": 55497,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "id": 74338,
            "name": "24/4 覃晉謙\t楊正",
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            "title": null,
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            "time_per_move": 13440,
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                "name": "Yushima Go Cafe (湯島囲碁喫茶)",
                "summary": "This is a group exclusively for guests of Yushima Go Cafe and members of the Online Go Salon.\n湯島囲碁喫茶のゲスト&オンライン囲碁サロンメンバー専用のグループです。",
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            "time_start": "2022-10-21T07:00:00Z",
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            "first_pairing_method": "slide",
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            "exclusivity": "group",
            "started": "2022-10-21T06:46:20.851709Z",
            "ended": "2022-10-21T07:17:25.600283Z",
            "start_waiting": "2022-10-21T06:46:20.798565Z",
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            "icon": "",
            "player_count": 2
            "id": 79105,
            "name": "აგვისტოს მარათონის მეშვიდე ტურნირი",
            "director": {
                "id": 21742,
                "username": "დათო",
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            "id": 72025,
            "name": "2月歷碁賽 第四輪 莫霆軒 VS 黃見希",
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            "name": "แข่งวันสิ้นโลก555",
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            "description": "เฉพาะปลาทูเท่านั้น",
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                "time_increment": 10,
                "initial_time": 300,
                "max_time": 300
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                "name": "ST Maklom ",
                "summary": "",
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                "member_count": 34,
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            "auto_start_on_max": false,
            "time_start": "2020-06-21T06:00:00Z",
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            "min_ranking": 5,
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            "started": "2020-06-21T06:00:13.236200Z",
            "ended": "2020-06-21T06:39:44.618856Z",
            "start_waiting": "2020-06-21T06:00:12.923454Z",
            "board_size": 9,
            "active_round": null,
            "icon": "",
            "player_count": 7