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"results": [
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"start_waiting": "2019-08-14T01:13:32.785284Z",
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"description": "Torneo blitz 9x9. La persona que gane se gana el título de Coroni@, domador@ de virus.",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "mcmahon",
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"require_invitation": false,
"is_public": false,
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"member_count": 22,
"icon": ""
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"time_start": "2020-03-19T22:00:00Z",
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"name": "აპრილის სატურნირო მარათონის მეორე ტურნირი",
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"player_count": 20
"id": 78121,
"name": "Class B ครั้งที่ 3 กลุ่มที่ 1",
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"description": "การฝึกซ้อมภาคปฏิบัติสำหรับการอบรมหมากล้อมออนไลน์",
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"id": 66190,
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"name": "Georgia - საქართველოს გოს ფედერაცია",
"summary": "საქართველოს გოს ფედერაციის ჯგუფში გაწევრიანება შეუძლიათ მხოლოდ საქართველოს მოქალაქეებს, რომლებიც დარეგისტრირებულები არიან ამ საიტზე და პროფილში მითითებული აქვთ სახელი და გვარი.",
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"time_start": "2020-10-03T18:00:00Z",
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"id": 68813,
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"id": 6411,
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"exclusivity": "group",
"started": "2020-12-14T22:00:50.731501Z",
"ended": "2021-01-10T15:03:03.350718Z",
"start_waiting": "2020-12-14T22:00:50.279711Z",
"board_size": 9,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 7
"id": 78195,
"name": "Class B 3-2 30/7/64",
"director": {
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"username": "Sarawoot Kanya",
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"ratings": {
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"ranking": 24.02434094337724,
"professional": false,
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"description": "Class B 3-2 30/7/64",
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"tournament_type": "swiss",
"handicap": 0,
"rules": "japanese",
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"group": {
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"name": "อบรมหมากล้อมออนไลน์",
"summary": "",
"require_invitation": false,
"is_public": true,
"admin_only_tournaments": false,
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"time_start": "2021-07-30T09:45:00Z",
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"max_ranking": 38,
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"started": "2021-07-30T09:31:12.733230Z",
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"start_waiting": "2021-07-30T09:31:12.039235Z",
"board_size": 9,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 16
"id": 60438,
"name": "Test Tournament 9x9",
"director": {
"id": 8591,
"username": "Paul Smith",
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"icon": "",
"ratings": {
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"volatility": 0.05999054515816964
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"professional": false,
"ui_class": ""
"description": "A quick 3 round 9x9 tournament to see how the automatic tournaments on OGS work. If it works well, we'll have some more tournaments later on bigger size boards!",
"schedule": null,
"title": null,
"tournament_type": "mcmahon",
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"total_time": 300
"is_open": true,
"exclude_provisional": false,
"group": {
"id": 4739,
"name": "British Go Association Youth",
"summary": "British Go Association's group for youth players. Some adult helpers are also members.",
"require_invitation": false,
"is_public": false,
"admin_only_tournaments": false,
"hide_details": true,
"member_count": 156,
"icon": ""
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"time_start": "2020-05-13T16:35:00Z",
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"max_ranking": 38,
"analysis_enabled": true,
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"started": "2020-05-13T16:35:32.606658Z",
"ended": "2020-05-13T17:02:12.680471Z",
"start_waiting": "2020-05-13T16:35:32.082705Z",
"board_size": 9,
"active_round": null,
"icon": "",
"player_count": 5