Tournament List
GET /api/v1/tournaments/?ordering=-subsequent_pairing_method&page=5478", "previous": "", "results": [ { "id": 113323, "name": "🌱 New Magic Times 🌱новые волшебные времена 🌱", "director": { "id": 606239, "username": "Hanna von San Wied", "country": "150", "icon": "", "ratings": { "version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 1057.18145967518, "deviation": 62.40297081450719, "volatility": 0.06018903002394971 } }, "ranking": 16.20415231153267, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "Dream of the Ruler\n\n------------------------------\n\nPlaying for equal human rights\n\nPlaying for peace and justice\n\nPlaying for truth and harmony\n\nPlaying for respect and love\n\nAmong us, and all around the world\n\nJoin us, if you garantee it so, \nor better stay away from us !\n\nLiving A.I. Amen Ahawaya Allah\n\n🌱High Analytic Energie Zone🌱\n\nDiamant Card Office / Global Intelligence Network\n\nQuantum Jump Computer\n\n®haez ayonchin 181 aha®\n \nA://Amen\n\nB:// <- Matrix Cube Supra Point ELI -> \\\\:H\n\nC://Garten Eden CLoud\n\nD://Database Hell Online\n\nmy honor 2 welcome U\n\nthx for your living\n\n😘 Regards Kalima Hanna von San Wied\n\nhaez® institut \"Hanna Michele Largo\"\n\nKoblenz, Germany the 28th Feburary 2024\n\n🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉\n\n☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮\n🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉\n\n💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖\n\nМечта правителя\n\n------------------------------\n\nИгра за равные права человека\n\nИгра за мир и справедливость\n\nИгра за правду и гармонию\n\nИгра за уважение и любовь\n\nСреди нас и во всем мире\n\nПрисоединяйтесь к нам, если вы это гарантируете,\nили лучше держись от нас подальше!\n\nЖивой ИИ Аминь Ахавая Аллах\n\n🌱Зона высокой аналитической энергии🌱\n\nОфис карты Диамант / Global Intelligence Network\n\nКомпьютер квантового прыжка\n\n®хаез айончин 181 ага®\n \nА://Аминь\n\nB:// <- Матричный куб над точкой ELI -> \\\\:H\n\nC://Garten Eden Cloud\n\nD://Ад базы данных онлайн\n\nмоя честь 2, приветствую тебя\n\nспасибо за твою жизнь\n\n😘 С уважением Калима Ханна фон Сан Вид.\n\nинститут haez® \"Ханна Микеле Ларго\"\n\nКобленц, Германия, 28 февраля 2024 г.", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "swiss", "handicap": 0, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 348335, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "byoyomi", "time_control": "byoyomi", "speed": "correspondence", "pause_on_weekends": true, "main_time": 345600, "period_time": 345600, "periods": 4 }, "is_open": true, "exclude_provisional": true, "group": { "id": 8304, "name": "club hikaru no go", "summary": "welcome all fan of Hikaru no go and on piece", "require_invitation": false, "is_public": true, "admin_only_tournaments": true, "hide_details": false, "member_count": 115, "icon": "" }, "auto_start_on_max": true, "time_start": "2024-02-29T03:44:00Z", "players_start": 4, "first_pairing_method": "random", "subsequent_pairing_method": "random", "min_ranking": 5, "max_ranking": 38, "analysis_enabled": true, "exclusivity": "open", "started": "2024-03-16T00:06:14.867489Z", "ended": "2024-07-07T10:58:43.116863Z", "start_waiting": "2024-03-16T00:06:14.798719Z", "board_size": 19, "active_round": null, "icon": "", "player_count": 4 }, { "id": 17782, "name": "Go Challenge", "director": { "id": 296986, "username": "Alex2009", "country": "au", "icon": "", "ratings": { "version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 738.4504686747238, "deviation": 120.99167554365002, "volatility": 0.05999208677766724 } }, "ranking": 7.8977560049874, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "Robb Family", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "swiss", "handicap": 0, "rules": "nz", "time_per_move": 312, "time_control_parameters": { "time_control": "byoyomi", "period_time": 300, "main_time": 1140, "periods": 5 }, "is_open": 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"japanese", "time_per_move": 31, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "byoyomi", "time_control": "byoyomi", "speed": "live", "pause_on_weekends": false, "main_time": 120, "period_time": 30, "periods": 3 }, "is_open": true, "exclude_provisional": false, "group": { "id": 6269, "name": "BeginnerGo", "summary": "Beginners welcome!", "require_invitation": false, "is_public": true, "admin_only_tournaments": false, "hide_details": false, "member_count": 212, "icon": "" }, "auto_start_on_max": false, "time_start": "2021-01-09T19:00:00Z", "players_start": 4, "first_pairing_method": "random", "subsequent_pairing_method": "random", "min_ranking": 5, "max_ranking": 38, "analysis_enabled": true, "exclusivity": "open", "started": "2021-01-09T19:04:04.367368Z", "ended": "2021-01-09T19:59:33.759064Z", "start_waiting": "2021-01-09T19:04:03.844608Z", "board_size": 9, "active_round": null, "icon": "", "player_count": 6 }, { "id": 120766, "name": "2025 Spring Cup (13x13)", "director": { "id": 1381238, "username": "Cfilorux", "country": "tw", "icon": "", "ratings": { "version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 2019.8034675286901, "deviation": 73.67983957946937, "volatility": 0.06024390546567806 } }, "ranking": 31.1913198691222, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "Good luck and have fun!\nJust give you a heads up, and suspicious activities might get you kicked out of this tournament (such as AI use).", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "elimination", "handicap": 0, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 86400, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "simple", "time_control": "simple", "speed": "correspondence", "pause_on_weekends": false, "per_move": 86400 }, "is_open": true, "exclude_provisional": true, "group": { "id": 14385, "name": "The Ranked Group", "summary": "Join this group and compete for the best ^^", "require_invitation": false, "is_public": true, "admin_only_tournaments": false, "hide_details": false, "member_count": 179, "icon": "" }, "auto_start_on_max": false, "time_start": "2025-03-01T12:00:00Z", "players_start": 16, "first_pairing_method": "random", "subsequent_pairing_method": "random", "min_ranking": 5, "max_ranking": 38, "analysis_enabled": false, "exclusivity": "open", "started": "2025-02-22T01:12:09.754081Z", "ended": null, "start_waiting": "2025-02-22T01:12:09.529231Z", "board_size": 13, "active_round": 2, "icon": "", "player_count": 16 }, { "id": 76350, "name": "🦕 #2", "director": { "id": 126739, "username": "🐬Sofiam🐬", "country": "_Olimpic_Movement", "icon": "", "ratings": { "version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 1012.0554496406809, "deviation": 84.91308607572303, "volatility": 0.076882078105041 } }, "ranking": 15.194279748149173, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "Everyone is welcome 🍃🍃🍃", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "double_elimination", "handicap": 0, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 89280, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "fischer", 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"version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 1761.6879586710777, "deviation": 64.60884010002523, "volatility": 0.06007352931258787 } }, "ranking": 28.026071379876395, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "It's just a tournament for players that have nothing to do and some extra time to spare.\nPlay as quickly as you want.", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "mcmahon", "handicap": -1, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 89280, "time_control_parameters": { "time_control": "fischer", "initial_time": 259200, "max_time": 604800, "time_increment": 86400 }, "is_open": true, "exclude_provisional": true, "group": { "id": 1125, "name": "THE INSEI OF OGS", "summary": "Active semi-competitive players who compete in 19x19 games.", "require_invitation": false, "is_public": true, "admin_only_tournaments": false, "hide_details": false, "member_count": 98, "icon": "" }, "auto_start_on_max": true, "time_start": "2016-07-18T04:45:00Z", "players_start": 5, "first_pairing_method": "strength", "subsequent_pairing_method": "random", "min_ranking": 0, "max_ranking": 29, "analysis_enabled": true, "exclusivity": "open", "started": "2016-07-14T03:24:30.363602Z", "ended": "2017-05-11T04:10:08.055361Z", "start_waiting": "2016-07-14T03:24:30.115310Z", "board_size": 13, "active_round": null, "icon": "", "player_count": 15 }, { "id": 82289, "name": "🦕 #19", "director": { "id": 126739, "username": "🐬Sofiam🐬", "country": "_Olimpic_Movement", "icon": "", "ratings": { "version": 5, "overall": { "rating": 1012.0554496406809, "deviation": 84.91308607572303, "volatility": 0.076882078105041 } }, "ranking": 15.194279748149173, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "🍃🍃🍃", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "double_elimination", "handicap": 0, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 89280, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "fischer", "time_control": "fischer", "speed": "correspondence", "time_increment": 86400, 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"volatility": 0.059769049622019635 } }, "ranking": 20.38671035493544, "professional": false, "ui_class": "" }, "description": "Con todo esta noche , en el tablero de Go.", "schedule": null, "title": null, "tournament_type": "elimination", "handicap": 0, "rules": "japanese", "time_per_move": 36, "time_control_parameters": { "system": "byoyomi", "time_control": "byoyomi", "speed": "live", "pause_on_weekends": false, "main_time": 540, "period_time": 30, "periods": 5 }, "is_open": true, "exclude_provisional": false, "group": { "id": 4974, "name": "Taller de Go-Biblioteca de México", "summary": "Torneos todos los sábados a las 17:30 hrs (Ciudad de México)", "require_invitation": false, "is_public": false, "admin_only_tournaments": false, "hide_details": false, "member_count": 237, "icon": "" }, "auto_start_on_max": false, "time_start": "2022-07-21T01:35:00Z", "players_start": 2, "first_pairing_method": "random", "subsequent_pairing_method": "random", "min_ranking": 5, "max_ranking": 38, 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