Move 21
0 captures
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+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
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Move 0 + 3
March 28, 2020
[16:56] jillgoodgal[7k]: yay I was hoping there would be a lesson today!
[16:57] S_Alexander[3d]: Pro game in 4 minutes :/
[16:57] mark5000[5d]: Oh there is?
[16:57] mark5000[5d]: Maybe I should postpone...
[16:57] Jhyn[3d]: Which pro game @S_Alexander?
[16:57] tpnZbonek[1k]: hey mark
Move 0 + 3
[16:57] S_Alexander[3d]: Welvang vs Palko.
Move 0 + 3
[16:58] tpnZbonek[1k]: its corona cup tournament?
[16:58] mark5000[5d]: Let's watch the pro game. I'll do this later today.
[16:58] Jhyn[3d]: Oh Welvang is playing, didn't know that
[16:59] mark5000[5d]: All right. Hope to see most of you later today. Maybe in a few hours.
[16:59] Jhyn[3d]: Thanks @S_Alexander
[16:59] GOkyle[2d]: So you know, they're playing two games in quick succession, not just one.
[16:59] S_Alexander[3d]: They're gonna play two games so might take some time :P
[16:59] mark5000[5d]: Thanks .I'll put up a banner when I do it later.
[16:59] tpnZbonek[1k]: but 10 minutes lenght..
[17:01] Kawabata[3k]: Yas see you later
[20:37] Kawabata[3k]: Hello
[20:38] jillgoodgal[7k]: for real now?
[20:38] Kawabata[3k]: I think so
[20:38] HowToPlay?[4d]: Mark wouldnt betray us twice in one day
[20:38] jillgoodgal[7k]: but you are already 9 kyu
[20:38] Kawabata[3k]: How many time a week does Mark teach like this?
[20:38] jillgoodgal[7k]: haha
[20:38] jillgoodgal[7k]: most Saturdays
[20:39] Kawabata[3k]: Ok thanks
[20:39] jillgoodgal[7k]: usually 8am Pacific time so it is the only reason I get out of bed on Saturday morning!
[20:39] Kawabata[3k]: Ahah
Move 0 + 4
[20:40] Kawabata[3k]: I'm in Intaly, so I'm usually in aperitivo time
Move 0 + 6
[20:40] jillgoodgal[7k]: good move!
Move 0 + 11
[20:41] Kawabata[3k]: We can post variations to answer?
Move 0 + 12
[20:41] mark5000[5d]: Yep
[20:41] Kawabata[3k]: Ok, ty
Move 0 + 20
[20:44] jift[3k]: s16 ?
Move 0 + 21
[20:44] Johnqpublic[15k]: s 17
Move 0 + 29
[20:46] samaris[2k]: s19?
Move 0 + 27
[20:47] Kawabata[3k]: T15 seems to be killer
Move 0 + 20
[20:49] jift[3k]: maybe starting off with a hane
Move 0 + 23
[20:49] Cheese and Clackers[5k]: I just did one of these more or less in a game
Move 0 + 27
[20:50] jillgoodgal[7k]: I recently had an opponent try to kill my corner in this situation in a tournament game but survived
Move 0 + 28
[20:50] Cheese and Clackers[5k]: yes in my game black pussed at t16 instead of the other hane
Move 0 + 29
[20:52] jillgoodgal[7k]: so kill the hane!
[20:52] mark5000[5d]: Yes!
[20:52] mark5000[5d]: This principle applies to many life and death situations.
[20:52] jift[3k]: everywhere i go
[20:52] jift[3k]: i see hane
[20:52] mark5000[5d]: Whenever you solve a puzzle, whether contrived or in your own games, think of reducing eye space first.
[20:53] mark5000[5d]: That's all I wanted to show you today. I'll keep this one brief. Are there any questions?
[20:54] Cheese and Clackers[5k]: oh did you start this hours ago and then restart it?
[20:54] Kawabata[3k]: ty
[20:54] mark5000[5d]: I did. I didn't want to draw viewers away from the EGF tournament.
[20:55] jillgoodgal[7k]: yes we watched the pro game during the interim
[20:55] jillgoodgal[7k]: black almost did this to white in the top left
Move 0 + 29
[20:55] Txipa[8k]: Thanks for your time Mark
Move 0 + 29
[20:56] mark5000[5d]: You're welcome. Next lesson next Saturday will be about 3-3 point joseki and will be a longer lesson.
[20:57] Tavukmarti[5k]: Thanks
[20:57] jillgoodgal[7k]: oh good I have an opponent who tried a 3-3/5-5 enclosure
[20:57] jift[3k]: Thank you :)
[20:57] jillgoodgal[7k]: so timely
[20:57] mark5000[5d]: Great. See you all then :)
Move 0 + 29
[20:58] Txipa[8k]: Cheers

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