Move 16
0 captures
0 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
Review by: ...
Move 0 + 28
March 21, 2015
[21:05] Tarot[13k]: always assess point value of moves ... but I suppose there is a little more to it than that
Move 0 + 22
[21:05] noahthefuzzy[1k]: I would say that this variation for black after white cuts through isn't terriable for black. Black can tenuki and his corner is very strong
Move 0 + 29
[21:06] Tarot[13k]: it is so corner heavy in the opening ... is this an example of "avalanche?"
[21:06] animeboy225[20k]: Hi
[21:06] xhu98[4d]: Hey all
Move 0 + 33
[21:06] animeboy225[20k]: What's aji?
[21:06] apipoulai[15k]: hi xhu98
[21:06] noahthefuzzy[1k]: Hi
[21:06] apipoulai[15k]: aji means flavor...
[21:06] Tarot[13k]: hey xhu, hey 5000, thanks to both for help recently >^oo^<
[21:06] xhu98[4d]: Aji is the potential of creating complications
[21:07] Tarot[13k]: aji = tasty
Move 0 + 48
[21:07] animeboy225[20k]: Ok
[21:07] Tarot[13k]: if it isn't yours
[21:07] Rataridicta[18k]: I'd describe it as aftertaste :P
[21:07] xhu98[4d]: Ajisen ramen?
[21:07] Tarot[13k]: yum yum
[21:07] apipoulai[15k]: oh great, now I'm hungry. Thanks.
[21:07] Rataridicta[18k]: prefer sushi ^^
Move 0 + 49
[21:08] xhu98[4d]: Haha
[21:08] Rataridicta[18k]: P15 is better right?
Move 0 + 50
[21:08] mark5000[2d]: Yes!
[21:08] Tarot[13k]: sorry arrived to the party late ... can someone describe to one w/ nose pressed against the sdk windowpane what is going on with northeast corner heavy opening ... all threats needed response, no other corner moves larger yet? Amazing, if so ...
Move 0 + 48
[21:08] noahthefuzzy[1k]: It's just an example
Move 0 + 51
[21:09] Tarot[13k]: ah, ok, making sense now!
Move 0 + 48
[21:09] noahthefuzzy[1k]: There would normally be other stones on the board
Move 0 + 54
[21:09] Tarot[13k]: [thought it was actual game, ok, up to speed now]
[21:09] animeboy225[20k]: But what do u mean by useless stones?
[21:09] Rataridicta[18k]: Well
Move 0 + 55
[21:10] Rataridicta[18k]: The stones that he captured are surrounded by black ones, while the gruop on O is needed to capture the group on N
Move 0 + 56
[21:10] Tarot[13k]: that is a nice trap
[21:10] animeboy225[20k]: Ohh
[21:10] Tarot[13k]: yesssss!
[21:10] Tarot[13k]: [said w/ snake slither]
Move 0 + 58
[21:11] Tarot[13k]: +there is snapback
[21:11] Tarot[13k]: if w does not respond, all 4 stones snacked
Move 0 + 56
[21:12] Rataridicta[18k]: is there a snapback??
[21:12] xhu98[4d]: Delicious White dumpling
[21:12] MaxDWolf[3k]: Technically not a snapback. Just a shortage of liberties.
Move 0 + 44
[21:12] Rataridicta[18k]: kk cool
[21:12] Tarot[13k]: Talking about killing all 4 stones
[21:12] animeboy225[20k]: R14 instead of the other move?
[21:12] Tarot[13k]: Play inside the tiger mouth
[21:13] Rataridicta[18k]: black turn
[21:13] Rataridicta[18k]: Probably stats with T6
[21:14] SJuice[10k]: T3 :P
[21:14] MaxDWolf[3k]: T3 works as well
[21:14] carmina[16k]: hi there
Move 0 + 28
[21:14] tinuviel[12k]: t6
Move 0 + 47
[21:15] Tarot[13k]: yup
Move 0 + 44
[21:15] Rataridicta[18k]: They both work don't they? xD
Move 0 + 46
[21:15] tinuviel[12k]: nope
Move 0 + 44
[21:15] MaxDWolf[3k]: I think fewer ko threats w. t6.
Move 0 + 49
[21:16] tinuviel[12k]: well, maybe
Move 0 + 44
[21:16] MaxDWolf[3k]: Yes. Both work.
[21:16] noahthefuzzy[1k]: They both work
[21:16] carmina[16k]: t3 is better isn't it
Move 0 + 49
[21:16] tinuviel[12k]: to involves an extra step doesn't it?
Move 0 + 44
[21:16] animeboy225[20k]: t6
Move 0 + 49
[21:16] tinuviel[12k]: t3
Move 0 + 45
[21:16] Rataridicta[18k]: T6 seems simpler to me
Move 0 + 49
[21:17] tinuviel[12k]: *t3 involves an extra step, doesn't it?
[21:18] MaxDWolf[3k]: Whoops t6 doesn't work. white t2.
Move 0 + 46
[21:18] Rataridicta[18k]: Not T4
[21:18] Rataridicta[18k]: NowT4
Move 0 + 49
[21:19] tinuviel[12k]: oh I see
Move 0 + 52
[21:20] carmina[16k]: oh nice
[21:20] animeboy225[20k]: Seki
Move 0 + 48
[21:20] Rataridicta[18k]: No not Seki, black can follow up with T1 and R1 to get more liberties ;)
[21:20] SJuice[10k]: lol white lives o__o ...
Move 0 + 49
[21:21] MaxDWolf[3k]: Can't play t1 white lives.
[21:21] Rataridicta[18k]: Yeah, came 2 1 move short in my reading :P
Move 0 + 52
[21:21] Rataridicta[18k]: The one without any liberties left on white max
Move 0 + 49
[21:24] carmina[16k]: r3
Move 0 + 53
[21:25] SJuice[10k]: lol
Move 0 + 55
[21:28] apipoulai[15k]: Thanks, mark5000
[21:28] SJuice[10k]: Thanks :)
Move 0 + 52
[21:28] tinuviel[12k]: thanks, mark!
Move 0 + 55
[21:28] Zizigooloo[15k]: Thanks
[21:28] MaxDWolf[3k]: Thanks you.
[21:28] animeboy225[20k]: Thanks
[21:28] Tom Newman[15k]: thank you.
[21:28] René[15k]: Thanks a lot mark
[21:29] mark5000[2d]: I'll add this post to the forum topic.
[21:29] mark5000[2d]: Please do not hesitate to check the former lessons if you missed them!
[21:29] René[15k]: one doubt
[21:30] René[15k]: is it possible that the right move is to let white live to keep sente even though it looses roughly 30-40 points
[21:30] René[15k]: ?
[21:31] mark5000[2d]: It can be possible in certain cases, yes
[21:31] René[15k]: Oooo
[21:31] mark5000[2d]: In this case, it's hard to imagine a bigger move, but it is possible.
[21:31] René[15k]: depending on the miai value of other moves?
[21:32] mark5000[2d]: Right. Generally if you can capture a large group cleanly (6 stones or more) it's gonna be the best move.
[21:32] René[15k]: Okay :)
[21:32] mark5000[2d]: But remember to distinguish between pivotal stones and useless stones!
Move 0 + 42
[21:33] René[15k]: Thaanks :)
Move 0 + 16
[21:33] animeboy225[20k]: The show was awesome do more and more! :)
[21:34] mark5000[2d]: When I feel like it. :)
[21:34] mark5000[2d]: Probably Saturdays at this time most weeks.
[21:34] animeboy225[20k]: U know somthing?
[21:34] animeboy225[20k]: u and Xhu should do crossovers
[21:35] animeboy225[20k]: like one week xhu comes on ur show
[21:35] animeboy225[20k]: and u go on Fridays with xhu98
[21:35] animeboy225[20k]: u guys should try that that would be fun 2 super awesome people
[21:36] mark5000[2d]: We did once some weeks ago!
[21:36] mark5000[2d]: It's hard for me now that I'm working Fridays
[21:36] animeboy225[20k]: I know
[21:37] animeboy225[20k]: but then try to do it days like Holidays
[21:37] apipoulai[15k]: would n14 be bad here? for black
[21:37] animeboy225[20k]: It's like a holiday special
[21:41] mark5000[2d]: Yes, it would be bad for black
[21:41] xhu98[4d]: :)
[21:41] mark5000[2d]: The reason is because the stones are worthless
[21:41] apipoulai[15k]: ok
[21:41] mark5000[2d]: Why are they worthless?
[21:41] apipoulai[15k]: no influence?
[21:41] mark5000[2d]: Well they're not cutting stones, firstly
[21:41] mark5000[2d]: They're making no influence.
[21:42] mark5000[2d]: They're making no territory
[21:42] mark5000[2d]: They're sitting idly
[21:42] apipoulai[15k]: lazy stones!
[21:42] animeboy225[20k]: Wait so useles stones are stones that don't do any thing?
[21:42] mark5000[2d]: The purpose of this lesson is to help new players tell the difference between useful and useless stones
[21:42] animeboy225[20k]: Ok
[21:42] mark5000[2d]: In this case, any move to move the stones out helps white.
[21:43] animeboy225[20k]: Ok
[21:43] mark5000[2d]: Similarly, white is not well-served by trying to capture them. It's a kind of no-man's-land
[21:43] animeboy225[20k]: Ok
[21:43] mark5000[2d]: Play a big move in the opening instead.
[21:44] animeboy225[20k]: Ok
Move 0 + 17
[21:51] animeboy225[20k]: Variation: d1
Move 0 + 16
June 6, 2016
[16:23] QianDavid[18k]: Variation: d1
Move 0 + 28
August 7, 2017
[23:41] NickWilmes[12k]: Variation: 2
Move 0 + 59
December 18, 2017
[1:52] Joshuaplays[6k]: Variation: 3
Move 0 + 8
May 12, 2020
[2:26] piupiu[10k]: Hello
Move 0 + 59
November 3, 2020
[22:55] obwohl[10k]: Variation: 4
Move 0 + 51
February 13, 2025
[21:18] rskrakau[19k]: Variation: 5

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