Move 0
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+ 6.5
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Move 0 + 65
March 26, 2015
[2:12] herbie[15k]: two points?
[2:12] Laon[15k]: two spaces?
Move 0 + 66
[2:12] ayatiru[24k]: Variation: P14?
Move 0 + 70
[2:13] Amazing[10k]: R12 ...
[2:13] Laon[15k]: split at r12
Move 0 + 71
[2:13] herbie[15k]: there's a weakness at r12
[2:14] kljlkjlkj[1k]: s13
Move 0 + 74
[2:15] Amazing[10k]: Why should S13 be good at that point?
Move 0 + 78
[2:15] herbie[15k]: and one space is too slow right?
[2:15] Amazing[10k]: yes
[2:15] mark5000[2d]: Was there a question about S13? I didn't say anything about it.
Move 0 + 74
[2:16] herbie[15k]: I think it may have been a move suggestion
Move 0 + 75
[2:16] Amazing[10k]: klijkill, some 1k asked about it.
Move 0 + 84
[2:18] Laon[15k]: isent that bad for white
[2:18] mark5000[2d]: I'll get there :)
Move 0 + 89
[2:18] Amazing[10k]: After Black R12, White could respond Q12 now.
[2:18] adamluffy[16k]: white should listen to the proverb
Move 0 + 90
[2:18] Laon[15k]: hey adam
Move 0 + 94
[2:19] adamluffy[16k]: hey laon...
Move 0 + 127
[2:23] Tokumoto[10k]: if you are not seeing the progress, press the circling arrow icon to sync with mark
[2:24] herbie[15k]: Tokumoto san~ p/
[2:24] herbie[15k]: *o/
[2:24] Tokumoto[10k]: heya hervie
[2:24] Tokumoto[10k]: herbie
Move 0 + 141
[2:25] herbie[15k]: I lost by 5.5 points to a 10k on kgs and got a rank of 11k a little bit ago ==3
Move 0 + 145
[2:25] herbie[15k]: *=3
Move 0 + 147
[2:25] Tokumoto[10k]: good!
Move 0 + 149
[2:26] herbie[15k]: isn't that the kobayashi opening or something?
[2:26] mark5000[2d]: It's part of it, yeah
[2:26] mark5000[2d]: I can demonsrate after this if you want.
[2:26] herbie[15k]: ^^
Move 0 + 153
[2:26] herbie[15k]: that would be nice, thanks =3
Move 0 + 154
[2:27] herbie[15k]: wait the end of the joseki is without the two space extension?
Move 0 + 154
[2:27] herbie[15k]: xD
[2:28] Laon[15k]: xD
Move 0 + 159
[2:29] herbie[15k]: Thanks mark!
[2:29] darev[14k]: Thank you
[2:29] Tokumoto[10k]: thank you Mark
[2:29] adamluffy[16k]: thanks mark
[2:29] Laon[15k]: thanks
[2:29] GeckoNaptime[9k]: Thanks for the lecture.
Move 0 + 24
[2:29] lewisherman5[16k]: thanks mark!
Move 0 + 159
[2:29] Arbacca[15k]: Thank you
[2:29] mark5000[2d]: Any questions about the one-space answer for black?
[2:29] adamluffy[16k]: who is kobayashi?
[2:29] Tokumoto[10k]: one-space answer?
[2:29] herbie[15k]: I might have some once I go back and look at the beginning xD
[2:30] lewisherman5[16k]: I have one
[2:30] mark5000[2d]: Tokumoto, labeled 1-3 above.
[2:30] Manslay[1d]: should correlate with upper-left corner i think
Move 0 + 52
[2:30] xhu98[4d]: Variation: What about this White move?
Move 0 + 159
[2:30] Tokumoto[10k]: ah I see
Move 0 + 53
[2:32] herbie[15k]: woah that sounds like a nice evil plan =p
[2:33] xhu98[4d]: Right, which is why White only plays this
Move 0 + 62
[2:33] xhu98[4d]: When he has a stone at Q10
Move 0 + 51
[2:34] mark5000[2d]: Correct
Move 0 + 88
[2:34] xhu98[4d]: Which is by the way
Move 0 + 154
[2:34] xhu98[4d]: Why the one-space-high answer is unfavorable in some games
[2:35] xhu98[4d]: Because Black will usually not tenuki after White Q10
Move 0 + 49
[2:36] lewisherman5[16k]: Is playing on the star point a suitable pincer?
Move 0 + 151
[2:36] mark5000[2d]: Yes, it is.
Move 0 + 153
[2:36] Tokumoto[10k]: So I guess the lesson here is that we need to be shrewd, mean and nasty to become a 9k :P
Move 0 + 155
[2:36] mark5000[2d]: Yes!!!
[2:37] xhu98[4d]: Yeah, pros want instant cash
[2:38] mark5000[2d]: I like this move a lot, actually
[2:38] xhu98[4d]: Oh and by the way
[2:38] mark5000[2d]: It's seeing a kind of revival in professional games w the High Chinese opening
[2:38] xhu98[4d]: After Black's one-space-high answer,
[2:38] xhu98[4d]: Could we talk about White's direct 3-3 invasion?
Move 0 + 152
[2:39] xhu98[4d]: Reminds me of low Chinese openings
Move 0 + 154
[2:40] xhu98[4d]: By the way, this doesn't happen when Black plays the one-space-low answer
Move 0 + 158
[2:42] mark5000[2d]: Any other questions? I know there was a Kobayashi question
Move 0 + 154
[2:44] xhu98[4d]: In this case, Black's one-space-low answer seems slightly better. But that will be saved for a later episode :)
[2:44] mlopezviedma[12k]: you ment black?
[2:44] xhu98[4d]: Yes.
Move 0 + 158
[2:44] lewisherman5[16k]: I have an off-topic question. My friend has a 3-4 opening response that I struggle to deal with.
[2:45] xhu98[4d]: Black has a good combination of 3rd- and 4th- line stones. Plus, there's no annoyance at M17
Move 0
[2:46] mark5000[2d]: That concludes today's lecture and Q+A.
[2:46] mark5000[2d]: Thanks everyone!
[2:46] mlopezviedma[12k]: great lecture, mark5000 , thanks a lot!
[2:46] xhu98[4d]: Thanks so much Mark!
[2:46] xhu98[4d]: Great lesson! <3
[2:46] mark5000[2d]: For players who came late, please review the beginning too!
[2:47] mark5000[2d]: And find the first 3 lectures here: becoming 9-kyu-a-series-for-beginners
[2:47] mark5000[2d]: This is lecture 4
[2:47] xhu98[4d]: There you go, like #20
[2:52] NinzieQT[7k]: this is already over =)?
[2:53] mark5000[2d]: Yes! But you can read all about it. :-)
[2:53] Tokumoto[10k]: yes, we successfully avoided you!
Move 0 + 28
[2:54] NinzieQT[7k]: nice
[2:54] NinzieQT[7k]: I can go over this at my own pace
Move 0
[2:59] MacGyverLizard[10k]: did i miss it or is it still going on?
Move 0 + 154
[2:59] NinzieQT[7k]: it's over
Move 0
[3:00] MacGyverLizard[10k]: ok thx
October 8, 2015
[6:40] seestarr2003[7k]: Variation: d1
March 17, 2016
[6:26] densmnko[25k]: Variation: d1
Move 0 + 159
March 25, 2019
[21:26] It_is_a_normal[7k]: Thank you very much Too!
Move 0 + 8
March 1, 2020
[14:50] OuttaSpace[6k]: why didnt you cover R17?
[14:50] OuttaSpace[6k]: as an answer to one point jump of 4-4
Move 0 + 66
May 12, 2020
[3:07] piupiu[10k]: Hello

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