Move 0
0 captures
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+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
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Move 0 + 12
March 28, 2015
[20:10] Kungfu Panda[2k]: agree!
Move 0 + 20
[20:12] mark5000[1d]: Any answers?
[20:13] Midna[2k]: yes, but I am not above 9 kyu :P
[20:13] mark5000[1d]: Black to play. Where?
Move 0 + 12
[20:13] TheIrregularVerb[7k]: R12 seems like a key point.
Move 0 + 20
[20:13] eross[12k]: R12 ?:)
[20:13] Dacdac[14k]: Variation: d1
[20:13] ThomasHeinrich[15k]: r15
[20:13] Midna[2k]: Q13
[20:13] Kungfu Panda[2k]: Q13
[20:14] yukizen[15k]: r6
[20:14] mark5000[1d]: Oh, two 2 kyu players agree. What do you think?
Move 0 + 12
[20:14] TheIrregularVerb[7k]: the peep is definitely sente
[20:14] TheIrregularVerb[7k]: i.e. Q13
Move 0 + 28
[20:16] SJuice[9k]: it feels as if the pincer at 7 is a mistake or not an appropriate move :P
[20:16] wuoix[15k]: this might be a question for another time, but I feel like there's a big threat at R6?
[20:17] mark5000[1d]: There is, but black would be ok. White is in more danger than black because there are more stones at stake.
Move 0 + 33
[20:18] RoboTeddy[11k]: could white R15 instead of S15?
Move 0 + 30
[20:18] wuoix[15k]: Ah I see, the tradeoff is worse for white
Move 0 + 44
[20:19] kinda[4k]: I do not think if black place so many stones on the right upper corner, white need to give response
Move 0 + 60
[20:22] RoboTeddy[11k]: is this overall position badk for black? it looks like he has good potential on the right, and top
Move 0 + 73
[20:24] mark5000[1d]: It's slightly good for black, yeah
Move 0 + 14
[20:24] mark5000[1d]: This position is a little contrived, but let's roll with it. :)
[20:25] mkei[14k]: P10
[20:25] mkei[14k]: ?
[20:25] TheRealRio[13k]: s12?
[20:26] chopperだ[14k]: p11 ?
[20:26] SgtSunshine[18k]: S16?
[20:26] Kungfu Panda[2k]: p11?
[20:26] eross[12k]: p11
Move 0 + 15
[20:27] Kungfu Panda[2k]: that is you mkei!
Move 0 + 16
[20:27] chopperだ[14k]: mkei the winner!
[20:27] Kungfu Panda[2k]: ....
[20:27] RoboTeddy[11k]: it's not the right move though :)
[20:27] mark5000[1d]: It's close though. :)
Move 0 + 20
[20:27] mkei[14k]: p11 ?
Move 0 + 21
[20:28] mkei[14k]: ;)
Move 0 + 38
[20:30] mkei[14k]: p11 ?
Move 0 + 39
[20:30] Mneme[5k]: p11 ?
[20:30] chopperだ[14k]: w00t!
Move 0 + 26
[20:30] Salomon[22k]: P10?
Move 0 + 41
[20:31] chopperだ[14k]: well done, me ;)
Move 0 + 46
[20:32] Midna[2k]: *golfclap*
[20:32] Midna[2k]: ;D
[20:32] chopperだ[14k]: ;P
Move 0 + 48
[20:32] Mneme[5k]: you are better than me chopper
Move 0 + 47
[20:32] RoboTeddy[11k]: now hane?
Move 0 + 48
[20:32] RoboTeddy[11k]: (n12)
[20:32] mkei[14k]: this is so big for b i think
[20:32] chopperだ[14k]: mneme: that's why I have a higher number next to my name. bigger is better, right? :P
Move 0 + 50
[20:32] mkei[14k]: w makes no territory witht this
Move 0 + 51
[20:32] Mneme[5k]: lol chopper
[20:32] mkei[14k]: and b buig potential bottotm
Move 0 + 53
[20:33] mkei[14k]: right i mean
[20:33] Mneme[5k]: nice
[20:34] Midna[2k]: so you suggest White looks for life immediately instead?
[20:34] RoboTeddy[11k]: maybe s16 for white?
Move 0 + 46
[20:35] Midna[2k]: How about 3-3?
[20:35] Midna[2k]: seems to have good relation with l17 and r14
Move 0 + 54
[20:37] Midna[2k]: oh right, n15
[20:37] Midna[2k]: thought it would be good aji
[20:38] mark5000[1d]: Any other questions?
[20:38] Lawzian9[14k]: Q18
Move 0 + 62
[20:38] mark5000[1d]: White is still ok. See?
Move 0 + 54
[20:38] Lawzian9[14k]: ok
Move 0 + 62
[20:38] Midna[2k]: Lawzian9: hane would be better
[20:38] Mneme[5k]: I feel my self not a 9 kyu
[20:39] Midna[2k]: but White has o17
Move 0 + 55
[20:41] mark5000[1d]: That's it for today's lecture about Becoming 9 Kyu
[20:41] mark5000[1d]: Remember the principle of the opening: corners, sides, center
[20:42] mark5000[1d]: Remember the 2 principles of attacking
[20:42] mark5000[1d]: Look for your opponent's weaknesses
[20:42] Mneme[5k]: when will be next lecture ?
[20:42] mark5000[1d]: And
[20:42] mark5000[1d]: Push your opponent into your thickness
[20:42] mark5000[1d]: I think the next lecture will be this time next week. However, I'm not sure about it.
[20:43] Mneme[5k]: thanks a lot for this lecture
[20:43] SgtSunshine[18k]: Thank you for your time
[20:43] mark5000[1d]: I will probably introduce a tesuji in a very short weeknight lecture on Thursday.
[20:43] RoboTeddy[11k]: thank you for the lecture
[20:43] RoboTeddy[11k]: the examples are great!
[20:43] Kungfu Panda[2k]: well setup!
[20:43] chopperだ[14k]: thanks mark
Move 0 + 12
[20:43] ThomasHeinrich[15k]: thanks!
Move 0 + 55
[20:43] Zizigooloo[14k]: thanks!
[20:44] mark5000[1d]: You're welcome. I hope you can remember the 3 principles and use them to defeat your rivals. :)
Move 0 + 12
[20:44] ThomasHeinrich[15k]: i hope too :D
Move 0 + 54
[20:44] Midna[2k]: when this go generation becomes you will have to make "How to become a 1d"
[20:44] Midna[2k]: becomes 9k*
[20:45] mark5000[1d]: Maybe someday!
[20:45] Midna[2k]: x)
[20:45] mark5000[1d]: I'd like to do Becoming 5 Kyu first. When all the beginner topics are done
[20:45] chopperだ[14k]: in the meantime, I'll start making some tutorials on how to become a 6d. I want to help mark improve :)
[20:45] mark5000[1d]: Baby steps :))
Move 0 + 73
[20:45] RoboTeddy[11k]: is there a list of the earlier lectures?
Move 0 + 54
[20:45] mark5000[1d]: Thanks!
[20:45] mark5000[1d]: Catch up on earlier lectures in easy-to-read text here: becoming 9-kyu-a-series-for-beginners
May 26, 2015
[16:15] gregagimpelj[17k]: Variation: d1
Move 0 + 27
March 5, 2020
[20:46] OuttaSpace[6k]: Variation: What if black plays here
[20:46] OuttaSpace[6k]: I dont get why this should be worse for black for me it seems as if black made more points than white
Move 0 + 54
January 26, 2021
[0:33] VII[22k]: Variation: 2
Move 0 + 33
November 26, 2024
[6:43] evan.1991z[?]: Doesn't black also in huge trouble in the bottom right corner?
[6:49] evan.1991z[?]: Variation: I mean if white just keeps attacking bottom right 4-4 black stone?

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