Rules: Japanese
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tinuviel[10k]: hi, there :)
Enumaris[14k]: first time participating in one of these :D
severence[2d]: Variation: d1
severence[2d]: Variation: d2
severence[2d]: Variation: d3
severence[2d]: Variation: d4
severence[2d]: sorry, misclicking
Enumaris[14k]: are the variations your solutions?
Move 0 + 30
severence[2d]: (mine, no)
Enumaris[14k]: ah
Move 0 + 38
Enumaris[14k]: dang, I missed this shortage of liberty in my reading! :(
Move 0 + 42
Enumaris[14k]: all of white?
Enumaris[14k]: oh
Move 0 + 45
tinuviel[10k]: s15
Move 0 + 48
Enumaris[14k]: t14 in this case?
tinuviel[10k]: t14
Move 0 + 51
mark5000[1d]: See how useful the false-eye tesuji is!
Enumaris[14k]: indeed
Move 0 + 53
tinuviel[10k]: ha
Move 0 + 55
tinuviel[10k]: i'm trying to make a group live in a current game
tinuviel[10k]: and this keeps getting in the way
Move 0 + 57
Enumaris[14k]: I never use any tesuji in my games...I can only see them when I know they are there lol
Move 0 + 61
Enumaris[14k]: lol, you are going through the candidate moves the same as I saw :D
Move 0 + 60
mark5000[1d]: lol
Move 0 + 66
tinuviel[10k]: playee?
tinuviel[10k]: haha
Enumaris[14k]: hane at t14!
Move 0 + 68
Enumaris[14k]: woot
Move 0 + 68
Enumaris[14k]: snap back at S13?
Move 0 + 69
Enumaris[14k]: if only I could actually see any of this in my own games
Move 0 + 78
Enumaris[14k]: t15!
Move 0 + 85
tinuviel[10k]: b s13
Move 0 + 87
tinuviel[10k]: crazy
Move 0 + 90
tinuviel[10k]: b s13 again
Move 0 + 92
tinuviel[10k]: mmm, or not
Enumaris[14k]: doesn't black 17 at t13 work?
Move 0 + 96
tinuviel[10k]: wait, i stand by s13 after all
Move 0 + 97
tinuviel[10k]: oh i meant t
tinuviel[10k]: *facepalm*
Enumaris[14k]: XD
mark5000[1d]: hahaha, oh man, I forgot that this was at the end
mark5000[1d]: Yeah, okay,
tinuviel[10k]: it's okay mark, i can't read letters
tinuviel[10k]: so you're a step ahead
tinuviel[10k]: thank you
Enumaris[14k]: I can neve figure out how to make territory while fighting...cus my fighting always happens towards the center :(
mark5000[1d]: I hope you can use the false-eye tesuji in your games.
Enumaris[14k]: Thanks for the lesson :D
mark5000[1d]: it's also called the "eye-stealing" tesuji
Move 0 + 28
mark5000[1d]: You can easily see how important reading is to Go strength. Therefore, don't be lazy. :-)
Enumaris[14k]: indeed
tinuviel[10k]: but, i wanna...
mark5000[1d]: When you know tesujis, reading becomes easy and fast.
mark5000[1d]: Solve puzzles to improve your Go strength
mark5000[1d]: Any questions?
tinuviel[10k]: thanks again; as always, very clear :)
calantir[6k]: is it wrong that i'm here to get tips on beating you in our game?
mark5000[1d]: Nope!
calantir[6k]: wants to get back in the ladder top 10
calantir[6k]: /me's chances are small
mark5000[1d]: hahaha, not really. You're doing really well in our game
tinuviel[10k]: calantir, the gist is to do tsumego
tinuviel[10k]: would have helped you in your game this afternoon
calantir[6k]: oh the pain
calantir[6k]: shut up
mark5000[1d]: And the eye-stealing tesuji is really useful. :-)
tinuviel[10k]: :-o
mark5000[1d]: Thanks everyone! Bye.
calantir[6k]: bye!
tinuviel[10k]: bye :)
mark5000[1d]: Next lesson is planned for Saturday. (evening for Europe, afternoon for Americas)
September 11, 2016
Seferi[10k]: Variation: d1
nelg[9k]: Sorry, mis-clicked the "Share" button while scrolling through the text.
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