Move 2
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+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
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Move 0 + 19
April 4, 2015
[22:07] xhu98[4d]: What about White S14 after Black R15?
Move 0 + 22
[22:09] xhu98[4d]: :)
Move 0 + 53
[22:21] NinzieQT[9k]: best answer for white S17?
[22:22] DoitiEtok[14k]: L17 probably
[22:22] DoitiEtok[14k]: or right now?
[22:22] mark5000[1d]: M17 is probably the best follow up.
[22:22] NinzieQT[9k]: and if white would have stone say at M17
[22:22] mark5000[1d]: Some players who like influence a lot might choose to shoulder hit at N16, and that's fine too
[22:22] DoitiEtok[14k]: well, thats why Im DDK
Move 0 + 3
[22:23] mark5000[1d]: Are there any questions about this formation?
[22:23] mark5000[1d]: I didn't prepare material for the 3-4 point, but I can talk about it too.
[22:24] DoitiEtok[14k]: With the knights approach from white, how would white repond if black pincers instead of playing 3-3?
[22:24] mark5000[1d]: That's a good question.
[22:24] DoitiEtok[14k]: so like S16
[22:24] DoitiEtok[14k]: Then black pincers
[22:24] Kaworu Nagisa[16k]: If white backs off immediately at say R11, since it's in enemy territory, should black immediately take S16?
[22:24] mark5000[1d]: Indeed, I often pincer instead of 3-3 in my own games
Move 0 + 6
[22:25] DoitiEtok[14k]: thats my opening currently :P
Move 0 + 9
[22:27] NinzieQT[9k]: Variation: isn't this popular for black?
[22:28] NinzieQT[9k]: the sources I study and read about seem to be super outdated :D
Move 0 + 10
[22:28] DoitiEtok[14k]: Isnt there a really awkward joseki that comes out of this?
Move 0 + 9
[22:38] mark5000[1d]: If you find yourself in this situation, I recommend the pincer or the attachment.
[22:38] mark5000[1d]: :-))
[22:38] mark5000[1d]: Any other question about the top right joseki?
Move 0 + 5
[22:38] tinuviel[9k]: is that because of the shimari, or regardless?
Move 0 + 9
[22:38] tinuviel[9k]: to pincer
[22:39] mark5000[1d]: Yes, but the pincer and attachment are very powerful moves by themselves.
[22:39] DoitiEtok[14k]: you want to keep your influence on the right
Move 0 + 4
[22:39] tinuviel[9k]: so even if white had the lower right, it would still be good to pincer?
[22:40] mark5000[1d]: All three moves can be good in isolation.
[22:40] DoitiEtok[14k]: I probably wouldn't play it, but it can be useful
[22:40] mark5000[1d]: Let me domonstrate
Move 0 + 6
[22:40] tinuviel[9k]: okay
Move 0 + 13
[22:42] tinuviel[9k]: oh, nice
[22:43] tinuviel[9k]: pincer as invasion rather than extension, still good
[22:43] tinuviel[9k]: thank you
Move 0 + 3
[22:44] mark5000[1d]: Any other question about this joseki?
[22:44] mark5000[1d]: To recap, play the knight's move when there are no stones around.
[22:44] mark5000[1d]: Play the one space jump if black has support on the top side.
[22:45] mark5000[1d]: It's a general rule.
[22:45] mark5000[1d]: Think about an "open door" vs. a "closed door."
[22:45] mark5000[1d]: when your friends are near, open the door.
[22:45] mark5000[1d]: when your enemies are near, close it.
Move 0 + 2
[22:48] Kaworu Nagisa[16k]: No Q14?
[22:48] mark5000[1d]: Q14 is somewhat common. It might be next.
[22:48] mark5000[1d]: :-)
[22:53] mark5000[1d]: That's all I have to say about this one for now.
Move 0 + 3
[22:53] mark5000[1d]: For beginners, I recommend 4-4 points until you learn the characteristics of the other points.
[22:54] mark5000[1d]: Check out my first lecture in the forum for an overview of the characteristics of each point in the corner.
[22:54] mark5000[1d]: Thank you for watching!!
[22:54] Kaworu Nagisa[16k]: Thanks for the lecture!
Move 0 + 37
[22:55] tinuviel[9k]: thank you
[22:55] tinuviel[9k]: !!!
Move 0 + 3
[22:55] World[24k]: ty
Move 0
May 27, 2019
[2:18] kartikaya[9k]: thanks ..
Move 0 + 2
June 1, 2020
[23:00] piupiu[10k]: Ty!!

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