Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 3
semijs.ozols[7k]: sveiks
HowToPlay?[3d]: black still wins point wise though
herbie[4k]: right it was still going to be hard for me to win
Andre🍃[1k]: Good point
HowToPlay?[3d]: Variation: 1
HowToPlay?[3d]: Variation: 2
herbie[4k]: Variation: especially if this happens
HowToPlay?[3d]: either way black should be happy
Andre🍃[1k]: Congrats herbie
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: better
Andre🍃[1k]: I made it to rd 2 as well
Andre🍃[1k]: Sbould be fun tourney
herbie[4k]: I know, I'll have to do better though ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: see my variation veryone ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: b just missed his chance ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: to live with killing the d6 group ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: better v2
herbie[4k]: Variation: if b did that white could live int eh corner
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: let me see^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: why not ?
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: b has sente
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: example of sente
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: b+ by far in that situation
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: w dead ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: oh nvm lol
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: w dead ^^ v2
herbie[4k]: honestly after c9 it's probably black's game
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: yes ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: but b didnt see he could live ^^
herbie[4k]: black prob just overestimated the worth of the stones that would be captured
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: either top or bottom dies for w ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: he just made a mistake
herbie[4k]: I mean at the end
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: this
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: this is a big mistake ^^
herbie[4k]: I don't know that it's that huge of a mistake b can play e5 anytime
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: not anytime ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: because
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: if w plays e5 he is safe
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: and b e5 is self atari later
herbie[4k]: at one point of the ko, yes
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: self atari
herbie[4k]: but even so black was winning even without e5
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: so b7 was just a big mistake ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: as soon as he lost the ko, b died ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: its his mistake ^^
herbie[4k]: he didn't die?
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: fatal^^
herbie[4k]: look at the above variations from HowToPlay?
herbie[4k]: even when black resigned he still had a big chance of wining
herbie[4k]: winning
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: lets see
herbie[4k]: I just got lucky this game
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: theres no way w woudlnt kill ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: better, even though b+
herbie[4k]: kill what?
herbie[4k]: when black resigned w would have won the ko, sure
herbie[4k]: but then black gets the chance at a huge reduction
herbie[4k]: black should have played h3 now
herbie[4k]: I had already determined I would ignore anything he played and play f8, settling the ko
herbie[4k]: then deal with the reduction as best I could
herbie[4k]: even if I lost then it would be by .5 maybe
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: but as i said
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: you can reduce
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: but w would let himself reduced i think
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: because defending the reduction is not worth for w
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: defending the reduction makes w win a little more points, but then w looses all the black top stones
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: overall w should ignore the reduction and kill ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: i think ^^
herbie[4k]: Variation: this is really bad for white
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: i know
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: i just did the same ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: i did the same var, but if w defends it, he looses more
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: at top
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: so this was a big mistake actually ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: like this w can just resign ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: anyways
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: ty and cya ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: as i said b has sente, and w gets only 2 points at top...
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: for example
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: Variation: w dead for example ^^
metaphysician splurgist :)[9k]: anywas cya ^^
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