Move 154
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 95.5 points
Move 78
December 23, 2017
[16:17] SebastianKenne[15k]: Hey, do u have some advice on how I could improve?
Move 85
[16:19] jerrychou82[2d]: Watch how advance players play
Move 93
[19:07] SebastianKenne[15k]: I guess many of their moves are thought so far, I have problems following them ^^
Move 94
[19:08] jerrychou82[2d]: Or, learn some basic openings and cases
[19:10] SebastianKenne[15k]: Okay, I'll try to, thanks :)
Move 107
[23:16] SebastianKenne[15k]: Hope I did it right ^^
Move 154
December 26, 2017
[0:39] SebastianKenne[13k]: Thanks for the game:)
[0:40] jerrychou82[3d]: Thanks!

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