Move 106
2 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
February 6, 2018
[1:30] The Natural[8k]: have a nice game
Move 5
[3:30] sickwilly[7d]: You too!
Move 44
February 9, 2018
[1:52] The Natural[8k]: sorry misclick. appreciate it
Move 45
[1:52] sickwilly[7d]: no problem.
Move 100
February 11, 2018
[2:07] The Natural[8k]: i have a feeling whatever happens the next 8 moves will decide if i have any chance here.
Move 102
[2:41] sickwilly[7d]: Let's find out! It'll be an adventure.
[2:41] sickwilly[7d]: If you'd like I can do a review after the game.
[2:46] The Natural[8k]: thatd be awesome

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