Move 95
12 captures
0 captures
+ 5.5
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 50
February 17, 2018
[12:28] MoneyMaster[?]: LOL
Move 51
[12:29] VPshunt5[1k]: 何がLOLだか。
[12:29] MoneyMaster[?]: I am a begginer. :)
[12:30] MoneyMaster[?]: but I hope I'll win! XD
Move 54
[12:32] MoneyMaster[?]: For how long do you play?
Move 55
[12:36] VPshunt5[1k]: about 3 years
Move 60
[12:39] MoneyMaster[?]: Do you have a mentor?
Move 61
[12:46] VPshunt5[1k]: no, I've studied from books
Move 64
[16:21] MoneyMaster[?]: Can you advise me good books?
Move 66
February 18, 2018
[9:52] VPshunt5[1k]: I know only Books writen by Japanese.
Move 69
[9:58] MoneyMaster[?]: Can you name the authors? I'll search for english translation.
Move 71
[10:18] VPshunt5[1k]: Mimura Tomoyasu
[10:18] VPshunt5[1k]: 三村智保
[10:19] VPshunt5[1k]: title
[10:19] VPshunt5[1k]: 石の形集中講座
[10:20] VPshunt5[1k]: He(Mimura) is a Japanese Go pro(9dan)
[10:22] VPshunt5[1k]: and
[10:23] VPshunt5[1k]: author : Yoda Norimoto
[10:23] VPshunt5[1k]: 依田紀基
[10:24] VPshunt5[1k]: title: 依田ノート
[10:24] VPshunt5[1k]: Yoda Note
[10:25] VPshunt5[1k]: He is one of the most famouse Pro Player
Move 72
[11:40] MoneyMaster[?]: Thanks! :)
Move 87
February 20, 2018
[14:36] MoneyMaster[?]: I think its time to surrender... :(
Move 88
[14:36] MoneyMaster[?]: there is no way I can win. :(
Move 89
[14:36] MoneyMaster[?]: Do you want to play some more games in future?
Move 94
[14:41] MoneyMaster[?]: GG
Move 95
[14:44] VPshunt5[1k]: ty

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