Move 59
17 points
22.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 5.5 points
Move 2
February 21, 2018
[20:22] ovijol[3d]: Hello, have a nice game
Move 3
February 22, 2018
[2:28] karmalia[5k]: hi, you too.
[2:29] karmalia[5k]: i had forgot this tournament :D
Move 4
[8:17] ovijol[3d]: Yeah! It took years to finish the first round.
Move 45
March 16, 2018
[18:55] ovijol[3d]: Why do you play only one game? You play much better than your rank...
Move 46
March 17, 2018
[10:07] karmalia[3k]: I dont like much correspondence games. I play normally live games at KGS. But not much. I have online go anxiety a bit. (senseis: OnlineGoAnxiety)
[10:07] karmalia[3k]: But i like to read go books and do tsumego problems.
[10:09] karmalia[3k]: I am trying to overcome about this problem.
Move 48
[16:13] ovijol[3d]: I see... I think I have partialy this problem. I play little amd, for example, do not play live games.
[16:14] ovijol[3d]: Well I hope you can play and enjoy more from this game
Move 57
March 18, 2018
[12:16] ovijol[3d]: Well played. Good luck for the rest of the tournament.
[12:16] ovijol[3d]: Thank you for the game
Move 58
[14:47] karmalia[3k]: thank you too

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