Move 159
7 captures
0 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 0
December 8, 2014
[23:44] tinuviel[16k]: hi, have a good game :)
Move 1
December 10, 2014
[4:03] tobiasg[16k]: You too!
Move 17
December 17, 2014
[22:42] tinuviel[14k]: Variation: bm1
Move 19
December 18, 2014
[16:32] tinuviel[14k]: Variation: bm1
Move 20
December 19, 2014
[22:07] tinuviel[14k]: Variation: bm1
Move 26
December 26, 2014
[21:26] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm1
Move 27
[21:41] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm1
December 27, 2014
[2:23] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm1
[2:27] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm2
Move 30
December 30, 2014
[22:49] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm1
Move 37
January 1, 2015
[16:10] tinuviel[13k]: Variation: bm1
Move 39
January 6, 2015
[19:26] tinuviel[13k]: misclick
[19:26] tinuviel[13k]: may I please have it back?
Move 38
January 7, 2015
[5:34] tobiasg[17k]: sure thing
[12:31] tinuviel[13k]: thaaaaaank you
[12:32] tinuviel[13k]: I'm on my phone 99% of the time, and the forward arrow (analyzer shortcut) is right next to the submit button
[12:32] tinuviel[13k]: D-:
Move 48
January 9, 2015
[6:55] tobiasg[17k]: whoops, decline that, didn't mean to press it
Move 47
[14:34] tinuviel[13k]: sure, no problem :)
Move 53
January 10, 2015
[20:22] tinuviel[13k]: oh I reread
[20:22] tinuviel[13k]: ha, you didn't want the undo?
[20:23] tinuviel[13k]: I figured either way, you could play it again if you wanted it
Move 54
[20:23] tinuviel[13k]: I saw the request and hit automatically
[20:23] tobiasg[17k]: Nah, I'll just roll with it
[20:24] tinuviel[13k]: but, I guess you could have replayedone it if you really wanted it
[20:24] tinuviel[13k]: okay
[20:24] tinuviel[13k]: *replayed
[20:24] tobiasg[17k]: I actually forgot what I had played when I made a move on my phone, so it's water under the bridge now. :)
[20:26] tinuviel[13k]: haha, okay
Move 159
January 31, 2015
[5:03] tinuviel[16k]: thank you for the game
[5:03] tobiasg[17k]: Thanks for the game

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