Move 179
10 captures
4 captures
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Timeout
Move 1
December 30, 2014
[17:05] Darsey[13k]: hi, good game
Move 87
January 9, 2015
[14:20] Darsey[13k]: ouch
Move 123
January 18, 2015
[14:23] Darsey[12k]: lol
[14:24] Darsey[12k]: i lost the sense in this move...
Move 124
[14:24] Darsey[12k]: i dont know how i did xD
Move 163
January 28, 2015
[1:59] DrQuantum[16k]: Misclick.. Darn ipad
[2:03] Darsey[11k]: Ok, but you should use "confirm moves" when you play in some touch (I had a lot of disaster in IGS to do a dogma for me :P )
Move 165
[18:01] DrQuantum[16k]: Oh, I do use "confirm moves" - but the problem is I was holding the ipad with one hand and clicking submit with the other. When I went to push the submit button with my right hand, I think the thumb of my left hand was too close to the playing surface as I held the ipad. It was very strange

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