Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 1
wurfmaul3[5d]: You too
Move 41
July 8, 2018
wurfmaul3[5d]: I was happy to play a8, but I'm not sure this result is good for white.
Move 45
wurfmaul3[5d]: d16 d15 e14 looks uncomfortable for white...
Move 55
wurfmaul3[5d]: j14? k15? l17? q16?
wurfmaul3[5d]: well
wurfmaul3[5d]: It was supposed to be Malkovich, but it doesn't matter
wurfmaul3[5d]: And please don't ask me about the benefit of such a comment
Move 57
wurfmaul3[5d]: What? That's really bad for black, isn't it?
Move 71
wurfmaul3[5d]: I'm not too happy with how Q11 turned out
wurfmaul3[5d]: gg
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