Move 66
1 capture
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 1
July 1, 2018
[1:35] chartreuse[1d]: good game to you wurf
[1:41] wurfmaul3[5d]: good game to you too
Move 34
July 5, 2018
[1:24] chartreuse[1d]: sigh
Move 39
[4:21] wurfmaul3[5d]: n14? l14? something else?
Move 41
[23:41] wurfmaul3[5d]: black m16 still annoys me
Move 45
July 7, 2018
[3:20] wurfmaul3[5d]: I'm not sure m12 is the right shape.
Move 56
July 9, 2018
[8:15] chartreuse[1d]: i'll be honest I pretty much was sure you'd avoid the ko, and play at g12 or extend to g9. i think my problem is that I know the ko is a possibility when I allow the double hane right but I don't think about ko threats
Move 57
[8:51] wurfmaul3[5d]: I... I prefer talking about it when the game is over, sorry
Move 58
[15:37] chartreuse[1d]: oh, right, my bad
Move 66
July 10, 2018
[6:56] chartreuse[1d]: welp, that was a game losing misread on my part. gg
[6:57] wurfmaul3[5d]: gg
[7:06] wurfmaul3[5d]: Variation: might live
[7:08] chartreuse[1d]: yeah, i mean white has to take a move out to cut off 3, but can I connect or make eyespace? idk but I'm fighting a lot of thickness now
[7:09] wurfmaul3[5d]: I don't know either
[7:09] chartreuse[1d]: i felt like my mistake was on a big enough scale to warrant a resignation even if that's true. that group is important to my overall power
[7:09] chartreuse[1d]: and it gets reduced to just living in the best of cases
[7:10] wurfmaul3[5d]: Yes, I agree
[7:10] chartreuse[1d]: i enjoyed the game however short, sorry about the misread
[7:11] chartreuse[1d]: ruined a perfectly good middlegame
[7:11] chartreuse[1d]: :) have fun, gl in the rest of the matches
[7:11] wurfmaul3[5d]: thanks, good luck for you too
[7:11] chartreuse[1d]: thx, doing ok, just lost to you two dans
[7:12] chartreuse[1d]: rest of em i might win
[7:12] wurfmaul3[5d]: we'll see
[7:12] chartreuse[1d]: alex and i are close but he's a bit better so I have to be careful

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