Move 291
198 points
39.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 151.5 points
Move 1
July 1, 2018
[1:37] chartreuse[1d]: Hi, good game to you!
Move 2
[3:47] AlexandrS[4k]: Hello! Have fun!
Move 290
August 2, 2018
[10:06] chartreuse[1d]: before we end the game, are we in agreement that the w top right group and the lower w group are dead. If I need to prove it let me know
[10:06] chartreuse[1d]: lower left I mean
Move 291
[10:06] AlexandrS[4k]: Otherwise I wouldn't pass)
[10:07] chartreuse[1d]: no, I figured, i just didn't understand f5
[10:07] chartreuse[1d]: it's a 1 point loss
[10:07] chartreuse[1d]: i kind of assumed you thought they were alive by atari'ing that stone
[10:08] chartreuse[1d]: either way thank you for the game. you're quite a fighter!
[10:08] AlexandrS[4k]: It was just to see the reaction) if you fill the empty spot this move or the next one
[10:08] chartreuse[1d]: oh ok, I get you
[10:08] chartreuse[1d]: i shouldn't have been able to kill the top\
[10:08] AlexandrS[4k]: Thanks, good game!
[10:08] chartreuse[1d]: you too
[10:09] AlexandrS[4k]: Was there any chance after n18?
[10:14] chartreuse[1d]: Variation: seki here if I'm not misreading something
[10:15] chartreuse[1d]: nm, b can kill anyway
[10:15] chartreuse[1d]: so you should have connected out then
[10:17] chartreuse[1d]: Variation: I'd just avoid the problems altogether and connect
[10:53] derben[6k]: Variation: stretch first
[10:54] chartreuse[1d]: hmmm
[10:54] derben[6k]: posted variation too long, there are some variations after k18
[10:55] chartreuse[1d]: Variation: o18 looks like the wrong move
[10:56] derben[6k]: Variation: n19
[10:56] chartreuse[1d]: Variation: also b can play 4 here
[10:56] derben[6k]: this looked like it killed nevertheless, but k19 secures it
[10:57] derben[6k]: to prevent eye at l19 you have to fill m19, and that makes bent 4
[10:58] chartreuse[1d]: what would you do after b o18
[10:59] derben[6k]: n19
[10:59] derben[6k]: 2nd eye at m19
[10:59] derben[6k]: oh b o19
[10:59] derben[6k]: ofc
[11:00] chartreuse[1d]: Variation: yeah this
[11:01] chartreuse[1d]: like I said n18 is outrageous but it kind of hits the group hard
[11:01] derben[6k]: that kills
[11:02] chartreuse[1d]: i told him just connect out, that fixes this whole problem
[11:02] derben[6k]: this one?
[11:02] chartreuse[1d]: yep
[11:02] chartreuse[1d]: i mean he's already losing but if the goal is to save the group that does it for sure
[11:03] derben[6k]: solid
[11:03] chartreuse[1d]: going back to main, thanks for looking at it with me

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