Move 74
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 42.5 points
Move 0
October 8, 2018
[22:30] marblevolcano[7k]: hello
[22:30] AgentShabu[15k]: hey
Move 1
[22:31] marblevolcano[7k]: have fun
Move 4
[22:31] AgentShabu[15k]: Thanks.
[22:31] AgentShabu[15k]: Go easy on me
[22:31] marblevolcano[7k]: Maybe....
[22:31] AgentShabu[15k]: Why didn't I get handicap stones?
Move 5
[22:31] marblevolcano[7k]: That's the way the tournament is set up
Move 6
[22:32] AgentShabu[15k]: Don't real tournaments have handicaps?
[22:32] marblevolcano[7k]: I don't know
Move 9
[22:32] AgentShabu[16k]: what is the 3 x 30s?
Move 10
[22:32] marblevolcano[7k]: Once the main time runs out, you get three 30-second periods
Move 14
[22:33] AgentShabu[16k]: well I'm going to lose very quickly then
Move 18
[22:34] marblevolcano[7k]: You're playing okay so far
Move 20
[22:34] AgentShabu[16k]: ha ha... I think the first 5-10 moves are very important on a 9x9
[22:34] marblevolcano[7k]: They are
Move 29
[22:35] AgentShabu[16k]: And I would suppose there's a big difference between 25k and 13k
Move 31
[22:36] marblevolcano[7k]: Probably about the same as between a 13k and a dan tbh
Move 32
[22:36] AgentShabu[16k]: sounds right
Move 51
[22:38] marblevolcano[7k]: There's a really important thing you need to do right now
Move 52
[22:39] AgentShabu[16k]: okay
[22:39] AgentShabu[16k]: wanna tell me?
[22:39] AgentShabu[16k]: ha ha
[22:39] marblevolcano[7k]: Hint: Left side
[22:39] marblevolcano[7k]: I'll show you the variation after the game
Move 53
[22:39] AgentShabu[16k]: okay
Move 56
[22:39] AgentShabu[16k]: nope not that
[22:39] marblevolcano[7k]: Good enough
Move 61
[22:40] marblevolcano[7k]: I'd say the game's over now
Move 63
[22:41] AgentShabu[16k]: okay
Move 64
[22:41] AgentShabu[16k]: I'm new so I'd like to play it out
[22:41] marblevolcano[7k]: Okay
Move 68
[22:42] marblevolcano[7k]: Nice ko threat!
Move 74
[22:43] marblevolcano[7k]: These stones are dead because the only have one real eye
[22:43] marblevolcano[7k]: Algith, variation time
[22:43] marblevolcano[7k]: Variation: These stones are now dead
[22:44] AgentShabu[16k]: Variation: 1
[22:44] AgentShabu[16k]: What if I do that instead?
[22:44] AgentShabu[16k]: I think this is a common beginner situation
[22:45] AgentShabu[16k]: Oh ... your'e gone :'(

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