Move 262
86 points
78.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 7.5 points
Move 4
February 23, 2019
[14:17] dreffuz[7k]: Have a nice game!
Move 83
March 11, 2019
[15:36] frantisekc[3k]: *Hi, have a nice game
[15:37] frantisekc[3k]: (sorry for the late reply :)
Move 85
March 12, 2019
[9:51] dreffuz[6k]: no problem :-)
Move 128
March 30, 2019
[17:01] dreffuz[6k]: I played really bad on left side
[17:03] dreffuz[6k]: the BIG mistake was C13 at move 94, instead of A14. But I realized of the danger too late.
[17:03] dreffuz[6k]: sometimes I play too fast, even if I have all the time to think
Move 130
March 31, 2019
[16:44] frantisekc[6k]: it would be hard anyways, it was a difficult situation for those stones
[16:44] frantisekc[6k]: I have seen the pontential also quite late ;)
Move 131
[16:46] frantisekc[6k]: Variation: 94-A14
[17:07] dreffuz[6k]: I think I was alive anyway
[17:07] dreffuz[6k]: Variation: 104-B9
Move 134
April 1, 2019
[17:20] dreffuz[6k]: I knew I had to prevent that monkey jump...
Move 139
April 2, 2019
[15:57] frantisekc[6k]: yes, you probably were alive. And yes, you should have prevented it. But that is always difficult - to choose the biggest move ;)
Move 215
April 16, 2019
[9:26] frantisekc[6k]: nice sequence
[10:20] dreffuz[6k]: not so much, I was trying to kill the whole group, and I am confident that it was possible
Move 234
April 18, 2019
[13:09] dreffuz[7k]: Sorry, I pressed Undo by mistake. The move is ok.
April 23, 2019
[16:06] frantisekc[6k]: ok
Move 262
April 30, 2019
[10:29] dreffuz[6k]: Thank you for the game. You played very well. Winning for 7.5 pts with 4 stones is like a defeat.
[10:49] frantisekc[6k]: It was a 4 stoner? I do not even remember :D
[10:50] frantisekc[6k]: Thank you very much for the game, it was very good playing with you!

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