Move 140
1 capture
3 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 1
May 27, 2019
[10:46] jorrit.tyberghein[1k]: Hi, good game
Move 21
[18:02] bibbo[3k]: you're the first person with a rank 6k and worse who i've seen play the right move there lol
[18:02] bibbo[3k]: N4 i mean
[18:02] jorrit.tyberghein[1k]: yes, I must admit it's the first time I try this though. We'll see how it goes
[18:03] bibbo[3k]: i think the difference between N4 and N3 is not huge
[18:03] bibbo[3k]: it just gives me more weaknesses
Move 140
May 31, 2019
[16:24] jorrit.tyberghein[1k]: Thanks for the game

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