Move 60
88.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Win %
White wins by 86.5 points


Move 2
February 18, 2020
[20:57] Go Student[25k]: gl hf, hope for me feeling phhsically better soon
Move 4
[20:57] Go Student[25k]: speaking of handi not sure how to place first handi stones
[20:57] Go Student[25k]: lol
[20:57] Go Student[25k]: in other handi games they are set
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: so I'm not used to free handi
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: lol
Move 5
[20:58] JoeWilliams[13k]: Remember, don't place them any different then how you'd place your regular first stones
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: oooh ok
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: so they aer just
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: extra
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: moves
[20:58] JoeWilliams[13k]: yes
[20:58] Go Student[25k]: ok :)
Move 34
[21:01] Go Student[25k]: this is quite a game
[21:01] Go Student[25k]: lol
Move 51
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: you win but good game
Move 52
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: wanna play it out?
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: i kinda want to
[21:04] JoeWilliams[13k]: yes
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: ok :)
Move 53
[21:04] JoeWilliams[13k]: it's not over even a little
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: oh?
[21:04] Go Student[25k]: interesting
Move 54
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: score estimator says you are winning a lot
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: but yeah
[21:05] JoeWilliams[13k]: it's just an estimator
[21:05] JoeWilliams[13k]: it can't account for future moves
Move 55
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: oh it's not like the AI
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: got it
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: it just sees what is there
[21:05] Go Student[25k]: derp haha
Move 56
[21:06] Go Student[25k]: this is been fun and interesting I must say!
Move 60
[21:07] Go Student[25k]: good game :)
[21:07] Go Student[25k]: another?
[21:07] Go Student[25k]: or if not that's OK :)
[21:07] JoeWilliams[13k]: Can't right now, got to get back to work!
[21:07] JoeWilliams[13k]: But i'll message you
[21:07] Go Student[25k]: ok :)
[21:07] Go Student[25k]: I saw analyzer and at least I knew where. I lost
[21:09] JoeWilliams[13k]: Ok just spoke with my colleague, I can work one more
[21:09] JoeWilliams[13k]: *play one more
[21:20] Eugene[6k]: It seems likely your opponent will respond locally, thought the AI would play away
[21:21] Eugene[6k]: The typical outcome of that series of cuts - white cant defend them all
[21:23] Eugene[6k]: Another move that cuts white to pieces
[21:24] JoeWilliams[13k]: Are you showing stuff? I can't see it
[21:24] Eugene[6k]: Hah thanks, typing in the wrong place :)
[21:24] JoeWilliams[13k]: ha no problem
[21:24] Eugene[6k]: Variation: It seems likely your opponent will respond locally, thought the AI would play away
[21:24] Eugene[6k]: Variation: The typical outcome of that series of cuts - white cant defend them all
[21:24] Eugene[6k]: Variation: Another move that cuts white to pieces
[21:25] Eugene[6k]: Variation: Maybe the two white stones can survive, but it would be hard
[21:26] JoeWilliams[13k]: Thank you for the help!

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