Move 58
18 points
26.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 8.5 points
Move 0
June 29, 2015
[15:10] Ferunan[14k]: gg game again
Move 1
[15:11] Leira[7k]: good game
Move 57
[15:19] Leira[7k]: should fill the ko
Move 58
[15:19] Leira[7k]: ok, nevermind
[15:20] Ferunan[14k]: as you wish
[15:20] Ferunan[14k]: it doesnt matter
[15:20] Leira[7k]: it can be marked as not dead
[15:20] Ferunan[14k]: yo win by far
[15:20] Ferunan[14k]: gg thanks
[15:20] Leira[7k]: thanks for the game
[15:20] Ferunan[14k]: congratulations for the tournament
[15:20] Leira[7k]: thank you
[15:20] Leira[7k]: hope to see you around
[15:21] ForceSideReason[22k]: No plot twist ; w ;

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