Move 77
4 captures
2 captures
+ 5.5
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 0
June 30, 2015
[19:20] gubbelface[5k]: hi
[19:20] gubbelface[5k]: gg
Move 2
[19:20] Leira[7k]: good game
Move 27
[19:25] KyleTroy[16k]: should he have haned the other side?
Move 28
[19:25] KyleTroy[16k]: black move 25?
Move 36
[19:26] frolag[3k]: then white could have done mischief around c3
Move 48
[19:28] KyleTroy[16k]: could you show me a variation please?
Move 52
[19:28] KyleTroy[16k]: wait, can we right now? I dont see the option to
Move 60
[19:29] frolag[3k]: b B6, w B4, b C6, w C3 might connect
Move 62
[19:30] gubbelface[5k]: thanks
Move 75
[19:32] Leira[7k]: this is tough
Move 77
[19:33] gubbelface[5k]: no way for me
[19:33] KyleTroy[16k]: ahhh
[19:33] KyleTroy[16k]: that sucks
[19:33] Leira[7k]: very interesting game
[19:34] Leira[7k]: thanks
[19:34] frolag[3k]: great fight guys
[19:34] KyleTroy[16k]: just one stone in the corner!
[19:34] gubbelface[5k]: thank you too
[19:34] KyleTroy[16k]: The game was a giant race

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