Move 206
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
July 7, 2015
[21:31] gw71[12k]: hi gl hf
Move 5
[21:32] gw71[12k]: as long as u learn something that will help u beat 19k players, it'll be worth it
Move 11
[21:33] gw71[12k]: i usually go over the moves after and think abt how i would've played differently, or i try to remember what my opponents do in certain situations and try to do it against other players
Move 13
[21:33] ☠☠☠☠☠☠Pirate☠☠☠☠☠☠[21k]: I consider buying a book
Move 15
[21:34] gw71[12k]: maybe, i don't know
[21:34] gw71[12k]: i've never bought a book on go before
Move 16
Move 21
[21:34] gw71[12k]: i've just been playing everywhere
Move 23
[21:34] gw71[12k]: whenever i can
Move 206
[21:46] gw71[12k]: thanks

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