Move 203
1 capture
3 captures
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
August 2, 2020
[19:43] Mrrr[2d]: Hi.
[19:43] Mrrr[2d]: Have fun.
Move 203
August 17, 2020
[9:49] Mrrr[2d]: thanks for the game
[9:49] AnryNDM[5k]: ty
[9:49] Mrrr[2d]: i regreted playing C17
[9:50] Mrrr[2d]: and letting you connect your stones on the top
[9:50] Mrrr[2d]: later my groups were in trouble because of thisw
[9:50] Mrrr[2d]: i think you could do better in the center fight
[9:51] Mrrr[2d]: it was an interesting game, thanks!

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