Move 83
1 capture
1 capture
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
August 2, 2020
[19:43] Mrrr[2d]: Hi.
[19:43] Mrrr[2d]: Have fun.
Move 1
August 3, 2020
[8:35] rhubarb[2k]: Hi! Thanks, you too.
Move 3
[8:38] Mrrr[2d]: San san was very surprising :-)
[8:38] Mrrr[2d]: I giees
[8:39] Mrrr[2d]: I guess it is caused by early invasions paranoia. I also don't like them, that is why i play 5-5
[8:43] rhubarb[2k]: Ah, OK. I may be paranoid, but I was partly thinking of symmetry.
[8:44] rhubarb[2k]: I'm a pretty undisciplined player, I'm afraid :)
Move 13
August 12, 2020
[13:13] Mrrr[1d]: Same here. I like discovering my own stuff, i don't really follow known patterns. So i guess that makes me pretty much undisciplined too. So...
[13:14] Mrrr[1d]: We will have an undisciplined battle (or peaceful dance of stones) 😉
Move 83
November 19, 2020
[10:56] rhubarb[3k]: Thanks for the game! Sorry, this is probably a slightly premature resignation, but it turns out I've signed myself up for too many games (real life has taken up more of my brainpower than I anticipated)
[10:58] rhubarb[3k]: (By "slightly premature resignation", I don't mean that I'm in any doubt you'd win. I just mean you might find it unsatisfying that I give up now rather than after finding a better place to resign. Thanks again and sorry again!)
[11:08] Mrrr[3d]: that is ok, i have the same problem, i resign quickly in correspondence games
[11:08] Mrrr[3d]: thanks for the game

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