Move 238
94 points
93.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 0.5 points
Move 1
October 12, 2020
[11:24] gubbelface[1k]: Have a nice game
[11:32] Kahlie1987[6k]: Same to you
Move 201
December 25, 2020
[12:32] gubbelface[1k]: Merry christmas to you!
Move 219
December 29, 2020
[11:17] Kahlie1987[9k]: Merry Christmas 😃
Move 238
January 5, 2021
[7:35] Kahlie1987[9k]: That was close
[7:35] Kahlie1987[9k]: Thank you for the game
[12:23] gubbelface[1k]: good game of yours! You had a clear watch for the center and even catched my stones there, which was too much., I should have had a better look for that

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