Move 206
2 captures
7 captures
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
Win %
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
October 12, 2020
[11:04] dol[1k]: hi, have fun!
Move 3
[11:22] DDjole[11k]: Hi u too
[11:23] DDjole[11k]: it is wierd playing with so much handikap
Move 6
[11:25] dol[1k]: i do it all the time haha
Move 117
October 13, 2020
[19:29] DDjole[11k]: doh
Move 123
[19:33] DDjole[11k]: this is going to be embarassing :)
Move 124
[19:33] dol[1k]: don't worry about that ^^
Move 206
October 14, 2020
[17:21] DDjole[10k]: gg and gl
[17:21] dol[1k]: thank you for the game!
[17:21] dol[1k]: and good luck to you too ^^

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