Move 208
16 points
122.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 36.5 points
Move 1
October 22, 2020
[14:07] kunstler[9k]: gl hf!
[14:07] kunstler[9k]: thanks for the rematch - i feel like our games have been close, so i've enjoyed them
[15:26] Dooroo[9k]: of course! likewise I'm learning alot
Move 207
December 4, 2020
[0:07] kunstler[9k]: the AI is freaking out, i'm just unpausing to take O14
Move 208
[1:38] Dooroo[9k]: sounds good
[1:38] Dooroo[9k]: good game!
December 5, 2020
[0:24] kunstler[9k]: gg!

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