Move 72
73 points
50.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 22.5 points
Move 10
October 15, 2015
[6:18] Cement[20k]: I'm gonna get so wrecked
Move 13
[6:53] dclym[9k]: yes, but it may be fun
Move 14
[6:54] Cement[20k]: If it weren't a tournament, I'd ask for a teaching game
[6:54] Cement[20k]: at least I can try to pick up what you're doing
Move 19
October 16, 2015
[2:06] dclym[9k]: every game should be somewhat of a teaching game :)
[2:08] dclym[9k]: sometime ago I beat someone who was a better player than me, and I didn't know why they resigned until I did a review
[2:10] dclym[9k]: It was fun cause I learned a bit
Move 46
October 17, 2015
[18:58] Cement[19k]: I can see how this is gonna end badly for that group at the bottom :(
Move 49
October 18, 2015
[15:16] dclym[10k]: the group at the bottom is much stronger than any attack I could wage on it
[15:17] dclym[10k]: Variation: d1
Move 72
October 20, 2015
[18:32] Cement[19k]: I certainly couldn't kill that group
[18:32] Cement[19k]: oh
[18:32] Cement[19k]: wait...
[18:32] Cement[19k]: yeah, you're right
[18:33] dclym[10k]: thanks for the game
[18:33] Cement[19k]: thank you

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