Rules: Japanese
White wins by 44.5 points
Move 2
Cement[20k]: Hello, good game indeed
Move 12
Cement[20k]: Here comes the part where you kill all my groups
Move 23
Darloose[11k]: ok, let's try it !
Move 24
Cement[20k]: Still have no idea what to do about that invasion
Cement[20k]: I usually lose a lot more than just he corner
Move 25
Darloose[11k]: when you're not sure what to do, it means you need to improve your reading of the goban, and it's good to try building good defence you are sure about even if you loose the game than trying moves you're not sure about
Move 28
Cement[20k]: hmmm.
Move 30
Cement[20k]: Is there a way to improve my reading without just playing a lot?
Move 31
Darloose[11k]: there are many
Darloose[11k]: like observing games played by higher ranked players, not to high ranked at start
Darloose[11k]: studying fuseki
Move 37
Cement[20k]: hmmm
Darloose[11k]: I would say also : try to play slower, using the game analysing tool. When you want to play on a point, ask yourself what would happen if you'd play on the neighbourghing spots
Move 38
Cement[20k]: thing with that is that the tool doesn't exist IRL
Cement[20k]: the slowing down thing can help, though
Darloose[11k]: true, but after you use it on the screen a lot, it becomes easier to do it in your head.
Darloose[11k]: i mean the analyse tool
Cement[20k]: I use it sometimes for moves that could end up bad
Cement[20k]: or moves that always kill everything I've built
Move 39
Darloose[11k]: if your level is real 22, i would say you made a small but strong defense here, it's the good way to start and then try to get bigger next time
Move 45
Darloose[11k]: M2 would have been better than L2 here
Cement[20k]: then you could L2
Cement[20k]: oh
Move 46
Cement[20k]: I see
Move 56
Cement[20k]: now I see why lots of people near my rank only play on this size or smaller
Move 61
Darloose[11k]: you played mostly 19 before ?
Cement[20k]: I mostly played a robot before joining this site
Move 62
Cement[20k]: these are some of my first human games
Move 63
Cement[20k]: so, yes.
Darloose[11k]: well not bad then.
Darloose[11k]: it's important not to play only agaisnt robots
Move 66
Cement[20k]: weird
Cement[20k]: did it think those were seki?
Darloose[11k]: it happens
Cement[20k]: well, actually
Cement[20k]: they are seki
Cement[20k]: looking again
Cement[20k]: oh
Cement[20k]: nvm
Darloose[11k]: want to try it
Darloose[11k]: ok
Cement[20k]: yeah, saw the quick kill
Darloose[11k]: thank you for game and conversation, and good learning to you
Cement[20k]: thank you for the game and teaching
Darloose[11k]: bye
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