Move 72
56 points
64.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 8.5 points
Move 0
February 4, 2021
[4:14] 11SMOG11[8k]: gl hf
[4:14] ROMUL333[15k]: hi, have fun.
Move 44
[4:19] 11SMOG11[8k]: omg
[4:19] 11SMOG11[8k]: XD
Move 45
[4:19] ROMUL333[15k]: )
[4:19] 11SMOG11[8k]: touche
Move 72
[4:23] 11SMOG11[9k]: gg
[4:24] ROMUL333[15k]: Thanks
[4:24] 11SMOG11[9k]: wp
[4:24] 11SMOG11[9k]: shame on me
[4:24] ROMUL333[15k]: gg
[4:24] LooseNoodle[11k]: Variation: 1
[4:25] LooseNoodle[11k]: Does that work?

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