Move 54
0 captures
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 1
February 27, 2021
[19:26] Caeldron[7k]: have fun goodluck
[19:27] cephm[4k]: where is black
Move 2
[19:28] Caeldron[7k]: phew
[19:28] Caeldron[7k]: these tournaments are weird haha
[19:28] coherent-itinerary[12k]: I'm really bad at this...
[19:28] coherent-itinerary[12k]: indeed
Move 19
[19:29] cephm[4k]: wow
Move 31
[19:31] cephm[4k]: and another one
[19:31] bswan[8k]: oop
Move 44
[19:34] cephm[4k]: count liberties
[19:34] bswan[8k]: or don't and have an exciting end
[19:34] cephm[4k]: don't kill yourself
Move 45
[19:34] cephm[4k]: oh no
Move 47
[19:35] cephm[4k]: dead
[19:35] Caeldron[7k]: did i just die XD
[19:35] cephm[4k]: if black can see it
Move 48
[19:35] bswan[8k]: oops
[19:35] cephm[4k]: big oops
Move 50
[19:36] bswan[8k]: handle it right!
Move 54
[19:37] Caeldron[8k]: gg
[19:37] coherent-itinerary[12k]: I'm sorry to say it, but that felt good...
[19:37] bswan[8k]: well played
[19:37] cephm[4k]: :(( you fail me Cael
[19:37] Caeldron[8k]: sorry im just not focussed today haha
[19:38] cephm[4k]: ok the final

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