Rules: Japanese
White wins by 19.5 points
bswan[8k]: and please don't time out :P
Move 12
bswan[8k]: joseki!
cephm[4k]: can' trick an 8k
Move 15
cephm[4k]: lol
cephm[4k]: ok still can
Move 16
bswan[8k]: just the 3-3 joseki :P
Move 17
cephm[4k]: Variation: Just connect
Move 21
coherent-itinerary[12k]: IDK any 9x9 joseki...
Move 23
cephm[4k]: F8 and white wins
cephm[4k]: this works too
Move 39
bswan[8k]: don't get snapbacked
Move 44
cephm[4k]: gg
Caeldron[8k]: gg
bswan[8k]: thanks for the game
cephm[4k]: bswan the champ
bswan[8k]: yes!
cephm[4k]: beat a 12k twice
bswan[8k]: i'm so proud!
coherent-itinerary[12k]: smiles always look so weird with the colon in the text
Caeldron[8k]: 9x9 is just weird :P but gratz on being the champion bswan
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