Move 65
42 points
23.5 points
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 18.5 points
Move 50
January 13, 2022
[23:09] isle[16k]: oops!
Move 65
[23:12] Marek123[16k]: gg
[23:12] isle[16k]: thanks for the game! a perfect diagonal, neat.
[23:48] isle[16k]: Whoa, I didn't realize during play what a swing moves 49 and 50 were.
[23:51] isle[16k]: It looks like if you extend at J2 instead of capturing the three stones right away my whole lower-right dies and you rescue your lower-left and maybe even walk up the left edge, winning the game.
[23:54] isle[16k]: Variation: White wins on turn 50

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