Move 233
5 captures
3 captures
+ 0.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
May 29, 2022
[16:15] tienslebien[1k]: Bonne partie.
Move 233
June 8, 2022
[9:08] tienslebien[1k]: Merci pour la partie.
[9:09] tienslebien[1k]: In handicap game, don't focus on territory and don't try to kill
[9:10] tienslebien[1k]: your opponent is stronger if you focus on territory, your opponent will gain sente and move faster
[9:10] tienslebien[1k]: if you try to kill, you will leave weaknesses
[9:11] tienslebien[1k]: your main job is to connect your stones and have strong group

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