Move 206
4 captures
6 captures
+ 7.5
Rules: Chinese
White wins by Resignation
Move 1
June 24, 2022
[16:15] Ätran[6k]: Are all of those different kinds of rubiks cubes on your go-board?
Move 58
August 31, 2022
[16:18] jubu[7k]: my biggest is 9x9x9 its logical the same as 4x4x4 . One is all sides white but its not a cube it's an egg :)
[16:19] jubu[7k]: I made an 2x2x4 online with webgl as an example for three.js
Move 59
September 1, 2022
[20:35] Ätran[6k]: Ah I see, that is pretty cool! I only have one, the standard original size
Move 206
November 13, 2022
[9:50] jubu[7k]: thank you for the game
[12:29] Ätran[6k]: Danke

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