Move 178
0 captures
3 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 0
July 1, 2022
[12:56] go2zoo[10k]: hallo
Move 1
[12:58] SlowerCuber[6k]: hi, hf
Move 126
July 12, 2022
[22:17] SlowerCuber[5k]: if i could settle the white stones associated with O9, I'd love to play N12 or N11
Move 134
[22:54] SlowerCuber[4k]: i guess I should say "Thank you"? but there doesn't seem to be a way to say it without it sounding rude.... and maybe, i could be in trouble.... I don't see where this is going, not quite, anyway
Move 145
July 13, 2022
[17:55] SlowerCuber[4k]: my guess is that R8 was the biggest point on the board, for either of us (though for black it was probably R9
Move 146
[17:56] SlowerCuber[4k]: this should give white the game, unless I'm missing something big
Move 149
[17:58] SlowerCuber[4k]: after the right is settled, the next big point is J18 or B3 ....
[17:59] SlowerCuber[4k]: I prefer J18
Move 150
[18:02] SlowerCuber[4k]: i was gont to play S9 to his S14, instead, but I think this settles faster.... Oh, I long to play O12, too
[18:03] SlowerCuber[4k]: he can't let me have both O12, N12 and H14
[18:03] SlowerCuber[4k]: and if he gives me O12, without responding, then I have all three
Move 152
[18:34] SlowerCuber[4k]: w should have M14 before O12
[18:38] SlowerCuber[4k]: seems like H14 would be a pretty good D for Black..... perhaps white should have started there
[18:39] SlowerCuber[4k]: definitely, as it would have threatened cutting off the F15 stones
[18:40] SlowerCuber[4k]: oh well, N12 and M14 still have there place, but I think all the black stones can live now
[18:40] SlowerCuber[4k]: N12 will guarantee connection to O9, i think
Move 161
[23:06] SlowerCuber[4k]: pretty sure this kills all... though we'll see. anything can happen in a kyu game
Move 162
[23:08] SlowerCuber[4k]: my instinct was to play N8, instead.... and that would have been the safer play for sure
Move 164
July 14, 2022
[0:11] SlowerCuber[4k]: Pretty sure B doesn't know he is dead yet, or else, he knows he's alive and I am wrong....
Move 175
[19:09] go2zoo[8k]: $*!%, i hallucinated that this was a snapback...
Move 178
[19:19] go2zoo[8k]: thanks for the game
[19:20] go2zoo[8k]: wow, and thanks for the review-thoughts
[19:23] SlowerCuber[4k]: thank you for the game. it was close to even until I plopped in the K14 stone (been wanting to do that for a while, but had to have H14 in place first
[19:25] SlowerCuber[4k]: your attack on the LL (with the breakout of the G6 stones, was great, well, for you, not for my poor white stones, and I had to spend a lot of turns making sure the white stones around G11 would live without contact to the bottom
[19:29] go2zoo[8k]: yeah, i really enjoyed this game
[19:29] SlowerCuber[4k]: me too
[19:29] SlowerCuber[4k]: thanks for playing! good luck in any tournaments your in.
[19:30] go2zoo[8k]: at the upper right in the beginning, i was not sure if i had to continue to fight you. (moves around 90

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