Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
Move 52
July 7, 2022
SlowerCuber[5k]: turns out, there is a way to survive in the corner, after all.... don't know why i couldn't see it yesterday
Move 62
July 9, 2022
SlowerCuber[4k]: auto-clamping.... wow. Not sure how best to handle this, but pretty sure that M10 is best because it leaves black with more lib and better protects the larger quadrant (UR)
Move 64
SlowerCuber[4k]: i really don't want the white stones on the P file to connect to the stones coming in from the left, additionally, I don't want the left stones to come into to my LR moyo, so N7 sort of stops both, but we'll see if it was dual-purpose or just a compromise as the play continues
Move 65
SlowerCuber[4k]: the challenge for black, now, will be to keep the P file stones from making life
SlowerCuber[4k]: or failing that, to constrain their life to the smallest area
Move 66
SlowerCuber[4k]: N4 would be another quasi-compromise move.... to strengthen the knight's connections and discourage white entry into the bottom of the moyo... but if the black stones are strong enough, entry should be encouraged! "Come into my parlor ..." etc
Move 67
SlowerCuber[4k]: hopefully, I'll have a chance to strengthen the O11 area soon
Move 105
July 14, 2022
SlowerCuber[4k]: looks like I've contained the nascent dragon. will have to watch for eyes forming at P11 and O13, maybe even P9
SlowerCuber[4k]: will ladder M15 or P15 at the first opportunity
SlowerCuber[4k]: actually, P15 may already be netted in, so focus of capture will be M15, if W M16, N17 might be warranted
Move 125
SlowerCuber[4k]: taking L8 off the board makes W j8 less forcing (with L8 present, W J8 costs b 5 points, without L8 just one)
SlowerCuber[4k]: make that six points vs one
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