Move 63
Rules: Japanese
Black wins by 10.5 points
Move 20
November 21, 2022
[1:54] Sais Divine Move[14k]: What's up been a while since we played huh
Move 49
[2:06] latinomagicattack[15k]: yeah, you got me screwed playing 4 games at once, i was not ready for this.
Move 51
[2:08] Sais Divine Move[14k]: Lol tbh I didn't know it was this kinda tournament
[2:08] Sais Divine Move[14k]: It surprised me to cuz I was up against my lil bro
Move 61
[3:11] latinomagicattack[15k]: nice, well you certainly won this. I've learned not to get into the multi-game bit.
Move 63
[3:14] Sais Divine Move[14k]: Gg my homie play me in some private match's again

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