Move 170
66.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 1.5 points
Move 0
July 21, 2023
[10:54] Christoph_R[2k]: hi, hf
Move 1
July 23, 2023
[16:17] fuseki3[5d]: Ah hi again !:o
[16:17] fuseki3[5d]: Have fun too ^^
Move 77
August 15, 2023
[9:53] fuseki3[5d]: Hm maybe e8 at f8 was better :)
Move 79
[9:55] Christoph_R[4k]: f8 should be more shapeisch
Move 80
[9:58] fuseki3[5d]: yeah ^^;
Move 83
[9:59] fuseki3[5d]: ah I misread at j7 ^^;
[9:59] Christoph_R[4k]: haha, backfired
[10:00] fuseki3[5d]: yeah ^^; e8 was probably not good :)
Move 86
[10:01] fuseki3[5d]: hm, or at least h7 :)
[10:01] fuseki3[5d]: j7 *
Move 112
[10:08] Christoph_R[4k]: ups, this was crazy
[10:08] fuseki3[5d]: ah ^^;
Move 154
[10:27] fuseki3[5d]: ahh super close
[10:27] fuseki3[5d]: ^^;
[10:27] fuseki3[5d]: I think within 0,5 points
Move 156
[10:28] Christoph_R[4k]: intersting game it was.
Move 157
[10:28] fuseki3[5d]: yeah ^^
Move 158
[10:29] fuseki3[5d]: very :o
[10:29] Christoph_R[4k]: you have more threads
Move 159
[10:29] fuseki3[5d]: hm I think so :o
Move 169
[10:31] fuseki3[5d]: whew
[10:31] fuseki3[5d]: 1,5 I think
[10:32] Christoph_R[4k]: yes
Move 170
[10:32] Christoph_R[4k]: great come back
[10:32] Christoph_R[4k]: endegame endgame endgame
[10:32] fuseki3[5d]: ahh thank you, whew
[10:32] fuseki3[5d]: so difficult !
[10:32] fuseki3[5d]: Thank you for the game ! ^^;
[10:32] Christoph_R[4k]: thx 2

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