Move 132
59.5 points
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 12.5 points
Move 0
October 4, 2023
[17:34] Christoph_R[3k]: hey, have fun
Move 1
October 5, 2023
[6:33] fuseki3[4d]: oh, hey again ! likewise ^^
Move 5
October 6, 2023
[18:08] fuseki3[5d]: Oh, interesting, I like K7 ^^
Move 7
[18:27] Christoph_R[3k]: oh, thx
Move 10
October 7, 2023
[13:30] fuseki3[5d]: Oh, intéresting :)
[13:30] fuseki3[5d]: attach ^^
Move 11
[13:57] Christoph_R[4k]: why not do it more often?
[16:36] fuseki3[5d]: ^^
Move 19
October 10, 2023
[10:31] fuseki3[5d]: hmm
Move 20
[10:32] fuseki3[5d]: oki ^^ let's try this
Move 21
[10:53] Christoph_R[5k]: not easy to find out what is best here
[10:53] Christoph_R[5k]: i'm sure AI presents a super easy answer after the game
[11:00] fuseki3[5d]: héhé yeah ^^
Move 38
[17:36] fuseki3[5d]: oh no :o
Move 41
[17:36] fuseki3[5d]: I think G6 fills a liberty
[17:36] fuseki3[5d]: hmm but still not enough
Move 42
[17:37] fuseki3[5d]: I misread something ^^;
Move 74
[17:46] fuseki3[5d]: J1whew 1
[17:46] fuseki3[5d]: * whew :o
Move 88
[17:49] fuseki3[5d]: hm ^^
Move 95
[17:50] fuseki3[5d]: exchange ^^
[17:50] fuseki3[5d]: not sure whether it was a good exchange for W, though :)
Move 100
[17:54] Christoph_R[5k]: hm, i think so
[17:54] fuseki3[5d]: hm yeah ? ^^
[17:54] fuseki3[5d]: it feels close now ^^;;
[17:54] Christoph_R[5k]: w in faby small amount, isn't it?vour
[17:54] Christoph_R[5k]: ups
[17:54] fuseki3[5d]: maybe, yeah ^^maybe I should have just played B10 at B7, though, to force in senté ^^;;
[17:54] Christoph_R[5k]: w in favour by*
[17:55] fuseki3[5d]: ah or maybe it was gote
Move 122
[18:02] Christoph_R[5k]: ah, so easy
[18:02] Christoph_R[5k]: hehe
[18:02] fuseki3[5d]: ah héhé actually I read that for a long long time ^^;
[18:02] fuseki3[5d]: had been reading it throughout the endgame :p :)
[18:02] fuseki3[5d]: to see and check the variations ^^;
Move 123
[18:03] fuseki3[5d]: I think it's a fairly close game
[18:03] fuseki3[5d]: 9,5 or so
Move 124
[18:03] fuseki3[5d]: Ah 10,5 actually perhaps
Move 130
[18:05] Christoph_R[5k]: thx for the game
[18:05] fuseki3[5d]: Ah thank you for the game too !
Move 131
[18:05] fuseki3[5d]: Maybe 1&,5 after C5 ? ^^;
[18:05] fuseki3[5d]: 11,5
Move 132
[18:06] fuseki3[5d]: Oh, 12,5, still have to learn to count :p :)
[18:06] fuseki3[5d]: Thank you, it was challenging and fun !
[18:06] Christoph_R[5k]: well, i have to learn to play beforehand
[18:06] fuseki3[5d]: héhé for the both of us ! ^^
[18:06] Christoph_R[5k]: yeah thrilling exchanges
[18:06] fuseki3[5d]: Yeah ^^; I feel like I overplayed in the lower right
[18:07] fuseki3[5d]: I think mabe I got lucky to live
[18:07] fuseki3[5d]: maybe *
[18:08] fuseki3[5d]: Ah or maybe not :o
[18:08] fuseki3[5d]: I thoguht it could die, though
[18:08] fuseki3[5d]: thought *
[18:10] Christoph_R[5k]: yes, loooks super big the corner
[18:12] fuseki3[5d]: yeah ^^;
[18:12] fuseki3[5d]: Variation: Maybe I should have made shape here
[18:13] fuseki3[5d]: Variation: Or this direction... ^^; Héhé, I pushed B's dragon into my group :)
[18:18] Christoph_R[5k]: yes, the last i like

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