Move 200
1 capture
+ 7.5
Rules: AGA
White wins by Resignation


Move 0
October 20, 2023
[20:43] Gooplet[2k]: yoo
[20:43] Gooplet[2k]: long time no see
[20:43] Gooplet[2k]: how are things
[20:48] gingerpersolus[6k]: Hello! All is well. I've been away from home for a long time and just got back. Lots of dancing now that I'm home :)
[20:48] gingerpersolus[6k]: How about you?
Move 1
October 21, 2023
[4:09] Gooplet[2k]: i've been okay! just playing music and playing Go. there's been a little less Go recently though so I'm trying to get back into it!
Move 19
October 22, 2023
[22:45] gingerpersolus[6k]: I didn't know you played music! What instrument?
[22:46] gingerpersolus[6k]: I'm also just getting back into go "full time" if you will after being away all summer. Happy to share this practice game with you so we can both get back on the wagon together :)
Move 33
October 25, 2023
[20:56] Gooplet[2k]: i went to school for piano performance, my minor instrument was cello but i developed some repetitive strain injuries from it and haven't played cello since :p
[20:56] Gooplet[2k]: i recently started taking up percussion
Move 34
[20:58] Gooplet[2k]: i played percussion in high school and realize off and on that i miss it quite a bit
Move 200
November 26, 2023
[15:47] Gooplet[3k]: Thanks for the game.
November 27, 2023
[22:53] gingerpersolus[6k]: Thank you!
[22:53] gingerpersolus[6k]: I'm so bad at this game sometimes.
[22:54] gingerpersolus[6k]: I thought we were even when NOPE! we were not :P
November 30, 2023

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