Move 252
6 captures
7 captures
+ 6.5
Rules: Japanese
White wins by Resignation
Move 116
December 28, 2023
[14:30] Cfilorux[2d]: Where are you from?
Move 117
[14:33] nljoh07[19k]: you?
Move 122
December 29, 2023
[10:26] nljoh07[19k]: England
Move 149
[10:55] Cfilorux[2d]: I’m from Taiwan.Do you have Kyu at real?
Move 152
[11:01] nljoh07[19k]: I guess. I'm playing much higher players to learn. Bots aren't that good learning tools at my level. What do you think?
Move 155
[13:16] Cfilorux[2d]: I remember that the difficulty of the robot can be adjusted. Have you ever had any offline competitions?
Move 156
[13:48] nljoh07[19k]: It can be but although I like the speed its a bit one dimensional. I've never played offline! Where would you place my kyu?
Move 159
[13:58] Cfilorux[2d]: I think playing with close opponents helps evaluate kyu. If anything, I don't think move23 made a good move.
Move 162
[14:01] nljoh07[19k]: OK - you've won so maybe I'm wasting your time?
Move 165
[14:14] Cfilorux[2d]: I think we can keep playing this game so you can learn more.You’re a good player,how old are you?
Move 166
[14:15] nljoh07[19k]: old :)
Move 167
[14:16] nljoh07[19k]: late learner
Move 171
December 30, 2023
[0:51] Cfilorux[2d]: That’s ok,you’ll be stronger!
Move 181
[14:37] nljoh07[19k]: I need strong mentors!
Move 188
December 31, 2023
[12:07] nljoh07[19k]: HNY!
Move 192
[12:15] Cfilorux[1d]: What’s HNY?
[12:16] nljoh07[19k]: happy new year?
Move 196
[12:19] Cfilorux[1d]: Not yet
Move 214
[13:45] Cfilorux[1d]: I’m 9:44PM now
Move 217
[13:52] nljoh07[19k]: OK - when it comes ... you never know :)
[13:55] nljoh07[19k]: Nice moves!! should have seen it earlier :(
Move 223
January 1, 2024
[11:39] Cfilorux[1d]: Do you have a Go teacher?
Move 226
[12:00] nljoh07[19k]: no
Move 227
[12:25] Cfilorux[1d]: self-taught?
Move 228
[12:28] nljoh07[19k]: yep
Move 240
[23:15] nljoh07[19k]: you're winning by 160 or so - maybe call it a day?
Move 241
January 2, 2024
[11:02] Cfilorux[2d]: A day?
Move 242
[11:17] nljoh07[19k]: turn of phrase - finish the game?

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