Rules: Japanese
Black wins by Resignation
tabimago[1d]: glhf!
Move 127
bugcat[1k]: oh no, I missed so much ;o
Move 129
bugcat[1k]: very hype game
bugcat[1k]: Variation: I seem to remember seeing lici use this top side formation before
bugcat[1k]: Variation: does W really need this?
Move 130
bugcat[1k]: Variation: Takemoyo - B overfocusing locally (no?)
Move 133
bugcat[1k]: Variation: I think B should already play away to manage the centre
Move 134
3xphate[5k]: black has steady territory
Move 136
bugcat[1k]: Variation: this would be the steady territory stance for B, no?
Move 142
bugcat[1k]: Variation: this shape? in the game, W's connection was ripped
Move 144
bugcat[1k]: Variation: is the peep even sente?
Move 146
bugcat[1k]: Variation: now B seems ahead
Move 148
bugcat[1k]: Variation: if not cap, knight's check?
Move 150
bugcat[1k]: Variation: keima? the elephant jump is strange to me
Move 154
Illicitus[4d]: i dont like playing you
Illicitus[4d]: lol
bugcat[1k]: Variation: I wonder if this defence is too passive. If the passive is to keima from an elephant jump, we could simply keima to begin with
Move 156
bugcat[1k]: oops
bugcat[1k]: "If the PROVERB..."
Move 157
bugcat[1k]: Variation: more natural flow?
Move 161
bugcat[1k]: Variation: or something like this
Move 165
bugcat[1k]: Variation: is connecting so slow?
Move 171
bugcat[1k]: Variation: 'd be a bit worried as B on the left
Move 188
bugcat[1k]: Variation: hmm, B alive?
Move 213
bugcat[1k]: looks like B has enough
Illicitus[4d]: Thanks
tabimago[1d]: Thanks
bugcat[1k]: good game
Illicitus[4d]: feels like i finally saw a mistake from you on the right lol
bugcat[1k]: I left some variations but they're probably pretty lame
tabimago[1d]: Variation: Ah maybe this attach was necessary
Illicitus[4d]: yeah with attach i dont think i can cut
Illicitus[4d]: but maybe get more in the center?
Illicitus[4d]: i thought if i did not get the whole side or something i was behind
Illicitus[4d]: but ai still shows im ahead
Illicitus[4d]: which seems weird
tabimago[1d]: Variation: Thought about this at first but wanted to go for more
Illicitus[4d]: looks good
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: this shape also felt werid
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: maybe just this
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: maybe just take points but not sure
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: maybe this
tabimago[1d]: Variation: I was reading that and was scared of this
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: feels easy to live
Illicitus[4d]: but i suck at reading so not sure
Illicitus[4d]: black just feels too weak
Illicitus[4d]: no thats probably bad
Illicitus[4d]: r13 might kill
Illicitus[4d]: S13
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: hmm, feels sad
Illicitus[4d]: maybe just shape mistakes earlier on
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: maybe just tenuki here
Illicitus[4d]: seems like your not trying to kill anyway lol
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: but still aji here
Illicitus[4d]: hard for me to find good moves for white, because i dont like games like this for white lol
Illicitus[4d]: Variation: maybe here first, left shape is light and hard for white to take points there
Illicitus[4d]: so maybe just better to put pressure on directly
January 4, 2024
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