Move 210
Rules: Japanese
White wins by 19.5 points
Move 0
February 23, 2024
[14:59] Nuclear_Tesuji[24k]: Hey, have fun :)
Move 1
[15:02] MyraCaller[7k]: hi gl
Move 146
February 28, 2024
[19:24] MyraCaller[6k]: how old are you my friend?
Move 150
[19:31] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: 31 and you ?
[19:31] MyraCaller[6k]: 28
[19:31] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: How long you Play Go ?
[19:31] MyraCaller[6k]: 6 months and you?
[19:32] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: 1 month
[19:32] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: 6 kyu in 6 months is impressive :D
Move 151
[19:33] MyraCaller[6k]: you have some work to do then , playing too much want help , you have to study go as much as you play at least
[19:34] MyraCaller[6k]: yeah , I am challenging my self to get to 1 Dan in 1 year
Move 154
[19:38] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: Ok Future Sensei. Teach me ! :D What i have to train at my level ? I`m a little confused by the quantity
[19:39] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: How much time you spend studying go on a day ?
Move 155
[19:42] MyraCaller[6k]: for me I have done most of sr Studying on gomagic
[19:42] MyraCaller[6k]: 1h to 2h a day is more that enough
[19:44] MyraCaller[6k]: you are calling me future sensai lol, I have just played against a 5dan and he showed me how much of a noob I am
Move 156
[19:46] MyraCaller[6k]: at your level if you play too much you will just reinforce bad habits , go learn the fundamentals about shape , life and death , sente .... the practice those in 1 or 2 games a days
Move 157
[19:51] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: I thought I had too many games at the same time
[19:52] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: But your level compared to mine is still a big difference
[19:54] MyraCaller[6k]: sure but it's easier to get to from 24k to 6k than to get from 6k to 5dan
Move 161
[19:59] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: yeah i believe that. I would like to add you as a friend. And play against you again at some point. You're motivating me to become a lot better
[20:14] MyraCaller[6k]: am glad :)
Move 162
[20:16] MyraCaller[6k]: the name you choose is awesome btw
Move 163
February 29, 2024
[3:56] Mayorax[25k]: this ist the only move i mastered xD
Move 206
March 5, 2024
[15:52] Nuclear_Tesuji[25k]: ooh $*!%
Move 207
[17:21] MyraCaller[6k]: you have lost a long time ego , you still want to continue?
[18:53] Mayorax[25k]: Yes I know. I thought about giving up almost 15 moves ago. I don't think I should waste any more of your time
[21:46] MyraCaller[6k]: get good and let's fight again sometime

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